Ah, Smash Bros.
I played the 3DS Demo of it (Don't like to pay +$30 for one game and don't want to hack my 2DS.) Other than that I haven't played any Smash Bros.
Maybe by the the time the one for switch comes out I be famous enough here to earn my own way to buy N.Switch and all the games I ever want!!
I can see how it's interesting with all these characters and "unique" fighting system, Nintendo is really successful when it comes on making the fun FUN.
My friend was trying Corrin out since he's got a thing for her design and started calling her "his waifu."
Googles "Corrin." "!!... That one is a girl!?"
Corrin, yeah... The thing is: Corrin is an avatar you can create on Fire emblem: Fates. You can set it up for Corrin to be male or female so that's why you can choose between the male and female counterparts in Smash 4.
I didn't like the 3DS version, the buttons are just too cramped up to be comfortable to play in there BUT I do hope to be famous and wealthy enough to buy the next entry in the series with the N. Switch too!