Uncharted: The Lost Legacy
It must obviously be all too clear by now, that I might have a huge fascination with adventure and treasure hunting games.
I can tell you exactly where to lay the blame, none other than George Lucas and Steven Spielberg. They were pretty much the story tellers of my generation, I grew up with amazing stories like Goonies, Indiana Jones and Star Wars. These epic adventures had a definite impact on my life from a very young age, and I imagine it must be that nostalgia which I can't help but search for in new stories. It is like being transported back to when you didn't have a care in the world, and when you believed that these things could be real, let's call it a more innocent belief. Someone very old and very wise once said "Truly wonderful the mind of a child is." and that's why I think we are drawn to stories like Star Wars or get so sucked into games, it's to relive that feeling of believing that anything you imagine could be real.

Our story this time, begins in India where treasure hunter Chloe Frazer, has decided to peruse the life long mission of her father, to find the legendary tusk of Ganesh.
The ancient artifact of Ganesh, the son of Hindu god Shiva, who had lost his tusk while defending his father's temple, very rare and considered to be priceless. Chloe's father was consumed with finding it and the search for it eventually claimed his life by the hands of bandits who were also after it. The bandits got hold of all her Father's notes regarding the treasure's presumed location, so the only option she has is to go get them back.
Chloe enlists the services of mercenary Nadine Ross to help her track down the killers and get back her father's notes, which leads them to India. A merchant named Meenu helps to sneak them into the office of the insurgents' leader, Asav, who is also after the tusk. The only reason that Asav wants his hands on the tusk is, because he believes that the tusk has supernatural power and wants to cause a civil war in India. Chloe and Nadine steal the map which points them toward the tusk within the ancient Hoysala Empire and a disc that acts as a key. This just before they are almost captured by the insurgents, and they make a daring escape.

The Lost Legacy standalone adventure, is set after the events of Uncharted 4, and is packed with beautiful environments, exciting action, and memorable characters that we have come to expect from an Uncharted game.
It's really one of those games where you should have played the previous games in the series, as this is very much like a spin off from the series, which could have the potential to stand on it's own. There's not much different from Uncharted 4, apart from the direction of the story and many of the characters from before make an appearance apart from Nate. Everything about this game felt very much borrowed from the last, they could have changed the game mechanics a little and maybe added some weapons upgrade options just give it some new blood and a fresher feel.
Now that most of the negativity is out of the way let's get down to what made it great. Firstly, the story, I might have mentioned this before, the stories and characters are what drives Uncharted, it is like being part of or starring in a Hollywood blockbuster movie. The elaborate action sequences throughout the game are just a marvel to behold, it's like you are constantly running on a knifes edge, absolutely thrilling to say the least. The element that stood out the most in my opinion was the fantastic dynamic between Chloe and Nadine, exploring their backgrounds, discovering their motivations, and watching them grow was awesome.

"All men dream: but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds, wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dream with open eyes, to make it possible. This, I did" - Nathan Drake

All in all, I really loved playing The Lost Legacy, the writing of these two characters is what had me hooked from the beginning.
Both the characters have been in the series and it was nice getting to discover how they fit into the story and where they came from. The environment and epic vistas that is India’s jungles were breathtaking, with the added bonus of a more open world feel which made it much less linea that previous experiences. What has made me a fan of the series from the first game, Drake's Fortune has always been the puzzles, they are over the top to say the least. I have become pretty stubborn on not simply opening up a web browser and searching for the answer, when faced with a difficult puzzle, it usually ends up that I just didn't look around carefully enough.
I would also have really loved a more memorable villain, it was almost as if he was just being a bad guy because he had to, some deeper motivations for why he was like this would have been the frosting on the cupcake. Thanks to the really great writing of the characters and good balance between emotional and humorous moments between them, that made this game worth the time. You can't really go wrong with an Uncharted game, but if you're unsure, rather just play the newer games and wait for this to go on special before you pick it up.

Uncharted: The Lost Legacy is an action-adventure video game developed by Naughty Dog, and you probably know or have as least played one of their games. They have come a long way and developed titles like Crash Bandicoot, Ratchet & Clank and the whole Uncharted series. This game was released in August 2017 exclusively on PlayStation 4 by and published by Sony Interactive Entertainment. This is a standalone expansion to Uncharted 4, and is the first game not to feature Nathan Drake, our main hero for the entire series. The game builds upon the elements established in previous Uncharted titles with its more open-ended gameplay than what players have been accustom to. I had a look but, unfortunately have not found any cheaper deals on this titles, but they could be out there.
I give The Lost Legacy a rating of 7/10

In case you missed it, here is the previous game review

Thanks for popping in, hope you liked the post. Please leave me your thoughts and or opinions in the comments below, have a beautiful day.

Game review for ADSactly by MorkRock
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Damn, Sam. You had some folks didn't like your rating :)
I have no idea because I don't game at all. My only thought as I read through this was to get that poor girl a bobby pin so she wouldn't have her hair in her eyes while she's shooting. I'm pretty sure it would improve her accuracy...
Thanks Mork. I always appreciate your game reviews.
Hahaha, yeah people tend to take things too serious sometimes, again they tend to forget this is my opinion on the game, and there are a lot of factors that come into play. Playing the Uncharted 4 and then playing this right after, unfortunately made it feel a bit watered down.
For me, Uncharted has gone beyond Tomb Raider and by far in many ways.
Find a new adventure alongside Chloe and Nadine and as thrilling as it was with Nathan, had to do it and it's a successful bet.
I could not win a single game so the world of the story of the game, was interesting and wanted to follow to learn more. I do not even speak about the personal story of Chloe and Nadine who were a pure pleasure to follow, as well as see evolve the explosive relationship between her two characters. A remarkable job.
There have also been a lot of small improvements, which makes him a lot of Uncharted 4 on a lot of points. Still, we really do not find all the good sides of Uncharted.
Game Play:
Here we find a game play similar to Uncharted 4 but with some nice little improvements.
Soundtrack :
A masterful soundtrack and just perfect, as usual.
Here we find a visual quality to fall on the ground. To the point that it's even more beautiful than anything I could run on my PC [The 4K Native less, for sure.]. ^ _ ^
The similarities between Uncharted and Tomb Raider are definitely crossing over each other, but I do think Lara still holds her own. Especially when it comes to the customisation of weapons and gear, and lets not forget the nostalgia and history of the series.
Look I'm not trying to hate on Marty, but whoever decided that someone who clearly didn't really dig U4 should review the expansion should get fired... He gave Lego Star Wars, one of the simplest most repetitive and derivative games I've played in a long time a 9, but complained about this being repetitive. If the guy doesn't like 3rd person action games, and prefers walking simulators and kids games that's totally fine, but don't assign him to review U4 for one of the biggest gaming outlets, it's honestly misrepresenting the experience to the largest possible audienc.
Say what, who didn't like Uncharted 4, I loved the game. Just an update incase you didn't know, no one assigns anyone to review anything, I do it because I love games, and these are my personal opinions on games, which is clearly stated on every post. I don't represent any audience, and I am not being paid by the game developers to write reviews praising on how amazing their games are. Loved that you are calling for me to be "fired" from giving a personal opinions on a game when it does not line up with yours.
I've been a big fan of the uncharted series and naturally thought i'd give this game a shot. But the Lost Legacy doesn't really do much for me and didn't really compete with the rest of the titles in the series for say gameplay, storyline or interactions like puzzles
Yes the graphics are great and that should be a given since its the lastest game in the franchise that is the least we would expect from it. I did like getting to play with other characters instead of Nathan as much as I love teh dude, he needed a break from all the stunts he pulled in the last 4 games, lol
While the characters and story are decent and firmly establishes its not a Nathan Drake game it does little in terms of dialogue, experimenting with the style of gameplay, its everything you expect from an uncharted game qith QTE and foraging for loot to stay alive
Perhaps it is unfair to expect more of a glorified expansion pack overall I agree with the 7 out of 10. If you don't finish this game in 2 nights of sit down play then you're playing too long.
The Uncharted series has never let me down! Can't wait to try this one out!
It you are a fan of the series then you will love this, just make sure you don't play this back to back after Uncharted 4, they are very similar.
Wow, seems that it's an awesome game.Excellent review sir, thanks for sharing.I am also a gaming fan.
Only a pleasure, and thanks for comment buddy.
The game are over now
Hmmm I don't think that is, but not exactly sure what you mean by the comment.
definitely one of the best games out there!☺
Best game might be a bit of a stretch but it is a pretty great game, thank for the comment.
@adsactly he reviewer seems to be forgetting that The Lost Legacy is an Uncharted game. Of course it will feel a lot like the others, they're not going to get rid of what people are used to and what they like. It was intended to only be DLC built from the foundations of Uncharted 4. I think the game lacking many new features is completely forgivable and cannot wait to play it myself.
Haha no, did not forget it is an Uncharted game. Lost Legacy is in fact not a DLC for Uncharted 4, but a complete stand alone game based on the previous game. Therefore it was reviewed with the intention of the developers in mind, as a complete stand alone it unfortunately falls a bit short, still a great game none the less.
@adsactly nice gaming review. Yeah, I understand its only one persons view of the game, but Godammit Marty, feel like you dropped the ball on this one. I've never played an Uncharted game where I would rate it so low, not even the PS Vita game. The cinematic visuals and great storytelling of the series would make me give it an 8 at the very least, before even playing any of it.
This game really looks realistic and amazing..
I must try it!
Good work, what you tell is very true what you say, there are no new adventures that impact as before, nothing like our time was Goonies, Indiana Jones and Star Wars, just wait for some genius to dive again, THANK YOU for sharing!
I saw previews for this game, looks amazing, the first one was pretty sweet too! Subscribed, looking forward to your content! Question: Have you played Neverwinter Nights (old school rpg based on D&D rules)?
Como deseo poder comprarme una ps4 :( excelente post
I'm a huge fan of Uncharted series and played the DLC the day it came out, too short of an add-on with a $45 price tag at the time (August 2017). Other than that it was fine, loved seeing Chloe one more time.
Wow that's for the review and the attractive photos
I love 😍 it
Awesome examining, attractive pictures.
OMG!!! I need to get this game as soon as possible
You had me at Goonies!! lol One of my favorite movies of all time. I too grew up with Goonies, Indiana Jones, and Star Wars. Then a lot later the National Treasure movies. I love love love treasure hunting movies. I never played the Uncharted series but looks like I should look into them! Tom Holland is playing Nathan Drake in the Uncharted movie, probably be an awesome movie!
wow that is a great game i think it works on graphics card
You have a minor grammatical mistake in the following sentence:
It should be its own instead of it's own.When you rep goes under 25 you should maybe evaluate what how and what you are commenting, just a suggestion.
Just because a game makes bank doesn't mean it's a great game, just look at The Last Jedi, it made bank but it's the worst Star Wars movie to date in my opinion. I'm not sure I'm following, this game came out last year August, who is not digging it who hasn't played it?
Why not investigate another flag? It would be much more appropriate than that BS.
hahahahahah I love you @bigtom13