ADSactly Game Review - Bloodborne

in #gaming6 years ago

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This is pretty much the dark side, or at the very least well on your way down that path.

I feel that I should be very honest with you all right from the very beginning, this game was not my cup of tea, maybe it was too dark or it could have been that the story feels very much fragmented. It's like when you start watching a series a few seasons in, the how and why things are happening is a huge mystery and I still don't really know what was going on. The only reason I ended up playing this was because a good friend recommended it, and the only reason I'm reviewing it is because there are many people out there that loved this. I'm going to try my best to not be too biased, but I can't promise anything so please don't be upset if I don't agree with you on how awesome Bloodborne was, for me personally it didn't tick all the boxes on being an great game.

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The story begins as seen through the eyes of a Hunter, who sees that they are being operated on by an old man.

The man explains that he is performing a blood transfusion, and tells the Hunter that this is the place when searching for the Paleblood. The old man gives the hunter a warning, that they will go on a strange journey which will be very much feel like a bad dream, the Hunter then passes out after seeing several beastly creatures approach. You then get to go into the character creation section and create your very own Hunter. When the game continues, your hunter awakes on the same operating table in a small clinic, but the old man and monster are no longer there, this is where your dark adventure begins.

The city you start in is called Yharnam, a dark and eerie place filled with dangerous monsters and mysteries. When you start the game, the player enters a spectral realm called the Hunter's Dream, which acts as both a safe haven and a workshop for upgrading and repairing your weapons. There you meet two creepy entities, an old man in a wheel chair, who gives you advice and a life like doll who helps you level up. This was the extent of the story introduction.

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Let's first get into the good aspects of this game before I get into the bad.

This is what a game would look like if directors, Tim Burton and Guillermo del Toro teamed up and decided to make a game. Bloodborne is a very dark and ominous world which looks like it is set in an 1800's sort of era, the buildings and cathedrals have that very Gothic look about them. The developers took an unconventional approach to stock standard role playing games we are used to, they basically just throw you out into the wild to fed for yourself. There is no tutorial for anything, you have to figure out everything yourself which is actually a really refreshing experience. This is one of those games that was designed for gamers by gamers, there are no difficulty settings, everything is just difficult. This is a gaming endurance test that will take you from despair to utter joy and then right back again, not for the faint of heart or those of you with anger issues. The feeling of killing a boss probably has never felt this good, especially when you have died almost a thousand times attempting it. The nightmarish creators in Bloodborne come in forms, from pedestrian insane village folk to cosmic horrors, but don't dare underestimate any of them.

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"Oh, a hunter, are ya? And an outsider? What a mess you've been caught up in. And tonight, of all nights. Here, to welcome the new hunter. Prepare yourself for the worst. There are no humans left. They're all flesh-hungry beasts, now... Still lingering about? What's wrong? A hunter, unnerved by a few beasts? Heh heh... No matter. Without fear in our hearts, we're little different from the beasts themselves. What are you still doing here? Enough trembling in your boots. A hunter must hunt..." - Hunter of Hunters

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I don't think there has in the history of gaming been a game where I died this much.

The sense of accomplishment you feel when beating a boss you have spent a few days on is an indescribable feeling, but for the majority of the game you feel frustrated because one wrong move and you're dead. Now this is not like the newer games where you can just continue along from where you died or even anywhere close by. Here you only get to continue from the last lantern you lit, which is your save point, and there aren't many of those around. The other part which really makes things hard is that enemies re-spawn every time you die regardless if you have saved or not, so when you die in a boss fight you have to make your way back fighting each enemy you had before.

The biggest problem I had with this game was the story feels non existent, you have no idea who the Hunter is, why he is hunting, basically you know nothing. This makes whatever story there is really hard to follow, it's comes off like the ramblings of a madman, and this could have been the intention by the developers but it personally just didn't work for me. I only played the game about half way through when I threw in the towel, the challenge was appealing but without a game story to accompany it, the game just looses it's appeal.

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Bloodborne is an action role playing game developed by FromSoftware, these guys have been making games for a very long time since 1994, which is pretty long in gaming years.

They brought us the Dark Souls series, Armored Core series and a score of titles I've never even heard of, but they are pretty big in Japan. The game is published by Sony Computer Entertainment exclusively for PlayStation 4, and was released in March 2015. You will definitely be able to pick this up somewhere for a great deal.

I give Bloodborne a rating of 7/10

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In case you missed it, here is the previous game review

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Thanks for popping in, hope you liked the post. Please leave me your thoughts and or opinions in the comments below, have a beautiful day.


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Game review for ADSactly by MorkRock

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not
necessarily reflect the official policy or position of ADSactly

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Welcome to the world of nightmares!
The challenge and the tension in the world of darkness, blood, screams, terror, horror, and so on. Having done Dark Soul 1 and 2 (2 times each), it is a logical continuation on Next Gen at a different time (quasi-Victorian). The game is less surprising than the other two, because the effect of surprise is no longer, however, you will have many regular bursts of fear and surprises Machiavellian well placed! It's beautiful (or horrible rather lol), the design and overall atmosphere is perfect and very consistent. The music and the various effects are perfect ... in short, here is a game with character and a real personality on the PS4!
This game is for an informed public on the challenge and the difficulty, so do not go buy it if you have small arms. This being the case, the reward in a game (xp, objects, continuation of the quest etc ...) is never as strong as having galé a little, especially by purifying demonic creatures really not sympatric;). Here is my overall feeling:

_ Purely technical graphics: 16/20
_ Design (monsters and architectures): 18/20
_ Music, sound, voice and Ambiances: 17/20
_ Life time: 16/20 (17 if planned DLCs)
_ Difficulty: 18/20 (yes I separate him because some of them are not ready to play and take this as a black dot when it is one of the positive criteria sought ...)
_ Playability: 17/20 (easy to take in hand, hard to master;))
_ Overall personal score and pleasure felt: 17/20

Have fun ... "Prepare to die"

you are really say well. it is very interesting game so I am also with you thanks my friend.

This diversion is stunning, yet I appreciate dull spirits somewhat better, Dark Souls appears to be simply...

more 'practical' if you catch my drift, it's anything but a sensible amusement using any and all means with enchantment and beasts, however it just appears to be all the more "genuine" Also, I appreciate Medieval over Victorian. Notwithstanding, I won't whine about the trouble..

it is pleasant to play a testing game(i really lean toward ds2 over ds1) , and Bloodborne is to some degree reviving, being testing and sorta like dull spirits, yet unique in the setting and plot. In the event that dim spirits three is a ps restrictive I will be SO energized, it might appear to be brutal..

yet xbox360 folks used to constantly boast to me about how much better things were on xbox360, and they were kinda right, anyway over the most recent couple of years ps3 (last of us) and now ps4 triumphs over xbox, and we ought to be glad. I am happy bloodborne is a restrictive!..

This game is amazing, but i enjoy dark souls a little better, Dark Souls seems just... more 'realistic' if you know what I mean, it is not a realistic game by any means with magic and monsters, but it just seems more "real" Also, i enjoy Medieval over Victorian. However, i will not complain about the difficulty, it is nice to play a challenging game(i actually prefer ds2 over ds1) , and Bloodborne is somewhat refreshing, being challenging and sorta like dark souls, but different in the setting and plot. If dark souls three is a ps exclusive i will be SO excited, it may seem harsh, but xbox360 guys used to always brag to me about how much better things were on xbox360, and they were kinda right, however in the last few years ps3 (last of us) and now ps4 triumphs over xbox, and we should be proud. I am glad bloodborne is an exclusive!

The games in the Souls series bring pain and suffering to their fans. They cause rage, making you hate yourself, your furniture, the creators of the game and their closest relatives. Then the hatred fades into the background and, after another pointless and stupid death, you're left alone with yourself, whining like a puppy, and regarded with pity. Self-pity. Why are they torturing you so? For what? Why the hell would you even buy this game that brings so much grief?
Of course, Souls is not played for the sake of pain and suffering — it would be strange. Games from this line are able not only to brutally rape self-esteem, but also to amuse him. They can take you to the top and make you glow with happiness.
Bloodborne-perfectly verified product, in fact, almost devoid of flaws. From Software managed to achieve an unprecedented balance, making a dynamic, energetic game, which is not lost its complexity and remained true to the traditions of the series Souls.

I was so excited for this game and now that I have it, I'm not so enthused. It's a great game. I'm not feeling let down by the quality of the game. I've played through Demon's Souls and Dark Souls (skipped Dark Souls 2 to get it in on PS4). The more that I play, the more I find myself thinking about Dark Souls. Maybe that shouldn't be a knock on Bloodborne but more of a praise to Dark Souls.

OMG this game sucked ass! It appears a dark souls (comic-con style ) obsession or 2 years from facial hair growth is a prerequisite for Bloodborne gameplay. Im sure those of you who still fist bump your friends, say sic way too often and speak with an American accent will be all over this like a burger and get a BB tattoo . Like a stripper, some bump, lots of grind with no questions answered or story to tell! ; )

Just got this amusement and subsequent to playing and beating both dim spirits, this diversion is a breeze. You have so much damn stamina to stay away from basically every assault...

Goodness and the boundless blood vials that you can simply ranch and store make this diversion a tad to simple originating from the From Software group.

Not bashing the amusement using any and all means (Combat is fun and quick and paced which is cool) I simply expected another spirits diversion I presume...

@adsactly you are so cool, I only wish I could play as good as you, got the game with the my PS4 3 weeks ago & and still on the first level :( I am a bit of a novice at this my limits would be something like Monkey Island or Leisure Suit Larry (showing my age now) taken a bit to much on i think but hey not going to give up (any help would be grateful) keep up the good work!

@adsactly I think we like any game too, and if there is a suspension on that game then there is no word, everyone likes to be better, Ami think blood borne is a very good game, but I do not understand it , It can be found at the mobile play store ??? Where can I play this game ???

Very cool game
because i love action games😎😍

@adsactly; I like action Games So Much

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adsactly, the effect of theses kind of game are not good for humans?
Agreed with my comments?

Just got this game and after playing and beating both dark souls, this game is a breeze. You have so much damn stamina to avoid pretty much every attack. Oh and the unlimited blood vials that you can just farm and store make this game a little bit to easy coming from the From Software team. Not bashing the game by any means (Combat is fun and fast and paced which is cool) I just expected another souls game I guess.

Excited for it

Amazing game dude this is the good for everyone because if some one feeling boring some time than they need to time pass so this is the good one to time pass what is your opinion? About it dude @adsactly

Nice post sir

It seems very rare that we have games with really immersive story lines nowadays (obviously God of War is an exception). Movie story lines are getting increasingly bland too, could be something in the water...

I am very glad to read this blog, without a dout you are a creative person.I follow your work..I always causes pleasure to visit your blog..
Congratulations for all your achievement and continue your success..

Great review! There's something about this game (and Dark Souls for that matter) where I always end up getting something else instead. I feel like the disjointed story you described would make me a little bonkers.

A well written and honest review, you got my respect.

I don't personally play games like this and Darksouls, but I can definitely see the appeal in it for others. There's just something about Darksouls' setting that to me is more intriguing than Bloodborne though.

Either way, great review!

My first play-through resulted in a pure strength build. I never even had to think when upgrading my character. Wonder if it's been rebalanced since.

i love this game

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