Hello Friends!
It has been a very very long time since I written something about Lineage.
For newcomers here are my previous post about Lineage:
So it is now 2020 and I tested some new features of the game
One very important change is the auto hunting mode
That means that you set some macros .
To set a macro is very simple open the options and just press macro after that you press add.
Now here is the macro I use :
This is for a Tyr Dreadnought
And this is for a archer
To enable the auto hunting mode you just need to press this buttons:
It is important to know that these macros are for gathering mobs some specific areas will require different type of macros ...so testing is required.
Now as you all know me character name is MrDread and he is a Tyr Grand Khavatari
But because of the server new changes I had to make some drastic changes...
First I upgraded my weapon...from a +17 apo fist to a +17 specter fist and of course made it a blessed weapon
Some important changes appeared for the Olympiad also...now we have a ranking system as well each with some benefits.
But my with all these changes my character was still leveling very very hard....so With the Red Libra Event I changed my main to Tyr Dreadnought
I must say it is much better:
Some changes are actually good now you have to opportunity to have good jewels and items just by making the exalted quest.
I recommend taking the noblesse and the exalted quest as soon as it becomes available.
Now you get weapon and armor and even dragon shirt from exalted quest and even an upgrade stone for your weapon that has 10% pve .
I find this new changes amazing and all you have to do is part your character set up your macro and leave him to do the quest while you get adena and materials .
That was it for today ! Have fun in Lineage 2 and tell me what is your favorite macro?
I wrote some books if you are interested here are the links:
You can buy this book on this stores:
Barnes and Noble
This type of games is more for my son dim753.
I want to wish you a happy weekend and may GOD bless you and your family, this if I have it in my heart and I write it with all sincerity.
I also see that you have been in steemit for 3 years, I have two years here , I hope and I pray to GOD that this panel go ahead, here are wonderful people with whom to share and learn.Hi @cynetyc , I'm not going to lie, I've read your post, but I don't have a clear idea in my mind.
To be honest I did not share alot about this new updates...I shared what I tested so far and found usefull.
And on a small side note...I will be here until steemit will be no more or at least untill will be evolved into something else.Thank you very much!Thank you very much for reading my small article @martha75!
Very nice tutorial@cynetyc!
Cool weapon man I love that red-dark glow to it!
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Tengo poca inclinación hacia los juegos pero tendré que indagar a ver ya que este tipo de gráficos siempre han llamado mi atención… Gracias Feliz Fin de semana amigo @cynetyc.
I have little inclination towards games but I will have to inquire as this type of graphics have always attracted my attention... Thanks Happy Weekend friend @cynetyc.
Much appreciated @tiababi!
Te invito a visitar mi post más reciente.
I invite you to visit my most recent post.Hola @cynetyc, gracias por estas recomendaciones… Hello @cynetyc, thank you for these recommendations...
Hola @cynetyc al parecer eres muy bueno con los juegos en cambio yo solo puedo desenvolverme entre los más básicos, gracias por el punto de vista. Feliz fin de semana.
Hi @cynetyc you seem to be very good at games but I can only get by on the basics, thanks for the insight. Happy weekend.
Thank you very much @cloris!
Admiro tu determinación para dedicarte a tantas cosas @cynetyc saludos Que tengas un buen fin de semana.
I admire your determination to dedicate yourself to so many things @cynetyc greetings Have a nice weekend.
Thank you @santoninoatocha!
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Thank you @trendotoken for this informational comment!
Greetings @cynetyc, you are very right sometimes it is difficult to keep up with all the updates and not only in games...
Saludos @cynetyc, tienes mucha razón en ocasiones es difícil mantenerse al día con todas las actualizaciones y no solo en juegos…
Yep there are many updates but it is a cool game.
Saludos @cynetyc, al parecer Steemit no es un sitio que frecuenten muchos jugadores, es bueno saber eso ya que en proyectos a corto plazo quisiera indagar cuales son los temas más solicitados en esta red social… gracias por tu colaboración.
Greetings @cynetyc, it seems that Steemit is not a site that many players frequent, it's good to know that since in short term projects I would like to find out which are the most requested topics in this social network... thanks for your collaboration.
Much appreciated @shotech!
That's a amazing game review .. thanks for sharing..
Thank you @mn-nazmul!