- Exhaustion
- Resistance to Necrotic Damage
- Do not need air, water, or food
Vulnerable to Radiant Damage
Sunlight Sensitivity: You can spend a hit dice to remove this effect for 12 hours
- Pale
- Gaunt
- Chiseled Facial Features
As a Vampire The Hunger is a source of cursed energy that powers your Dark Gifts. Your Hunger Level is represented by Hunger Dice. You can spend Hunger Dice to activate Dark Gifts but each time you do the Hunger demands more and more of your WILL to keep it in check and the more Physically Obvious your Undeath will be.
Without any Hunger Dice used you are Sated but even then a Vampire will still feel a slight urge to feed. When you have used ¼ of your hunger dice, rounded up, The Hunger weighs heavily on the accursed but unless they're aggravated it is relatively under control. When ½ of your Hunger Dice are gone the need to feed is very real and you are constantly thinking about Feeding. If your dice drop to ¾ or below Feeding becomes your top priority and violent impulses become very difficult to control.
Replenishing Hunger Dice: A vial of blood (6-10 oz)) taken over a short or long rest will restore 2 Hunger Dice. Feeding on a small creature, for 1 minute, kills it and restores 4 Hunger Dice. Feeding on a Medium or larger humanoid for 1 minute will restore all Hunger Dice. In order to feed on Live and unwilling Prey the Vampire must succeed at hitting them with a grapple action and then using their next action to feed dealing an initial 1d4+2 piercing damage to the target and then 2d10+8 necrotic damage for each turn the vampire maintains the grapple and chooses to Feed. If feeding on a target reduces its Hit Points to 0 it falls unconscious if the vampire chooses to feed once more the target dies immediately.
Number of available Hunger Dice(D10s)=1/2 total class level +con mod
Life Steal(A)(1 or X): As an action spend X Hunger Die and roll a melee attack. If successful roll the number of spent Hunger Die with the attack's damage die. The target takes additional damage equal to the hunger die(dice) result as Necrotic damage and you regain that many Hit Points. This is not a satisfying way to feed and you are unable to regain Hunger Dice this way.
Unnatural Speed (B)(2)(1min): As a bonus action spend 2 hunger dice and increase your speed to 60ft for 1 minute. You cannot trigger attacks of opportunity while this effect is active. You are able to run on walls and over water.
Uncanny Alacrity (B)(3)(6s): As a bonus action spend 3 hunger dice to be able to use the attack action twice this turn and each attack has advantage to hit.
Transformation (A)(2)(10min): Transform either into a Dire Wolf, a Giant Bat or take on the Blush of Life. You will keep your mental stats but take on the physical stats of the form you choose.
The Hunger and Social Encounters:
Depending on the Vampire’s Hunger Level a DM may apply Wisdom saving throws in certain situations. Failure could potentially lead to out of control Vampiric bloodlust.
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