Does This Picture Upset You, Zombie?

in #games6 years ago


I uploaded this meme onto Facebook this morning, and then posted it at the group Atheists Beings. Despite the name, a huge number of superstitious, gullible, brain damaged undercover zombies are crawling around there. And they just love flagging posts and memes there that challenges their idiotic, retarded beliefs.

On that particular FB account of mine I had a whopping 13 bans, each 30 days long, plus a 7-day ban, all in just 18 months. This is now my 14th month-long ban on 21 months, for posting memes like this.

But which part of the meme is not true? Although the language on it is a bit salty, nothing of it is historically incorrect.

  1. Having sex with animals did happen in Israel those years.
  2. Goats, camels and donkeys were commonly found everywhere.
  3. Jesus - if he existed - did focus on the poor, which were illiterate and, as we know from poor people, very gullible.
  4. Jesus did receive a fair trial from the Roman justice system, a system that was so advanced that much of it is still used in legal systems around the world today.
  5. Jesus could not prove in court any of his claims he dished up as truth to his target market, and so he was found guilty of fraud and disturbing the peace.
  6. There is no evidence that Jesus woke up from the dead, because if he did he would have showed himself to everyone. Instead we have to rely on the word of his gang to whom he allegedly appeared, the same gang that were cashing in big time from the con.

So, again, why would the meme be against FB's subjective standards? Since when is speaking the truth wrong?

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