This is a record for the following Crypto Games
( i call it games )
I use and play
I will write some review and information about this
The last year i wasn't very active in Hive and i will try to change that
Most of the post will be on this account and re-blog to my main
Let me start
- Splinterland / HIVE
Many of you know it and i believe don't need to explain something about this
- Spell of Genesis / XCP / ETH
A collection card game with online/mobile game which can make your cards "Blockchain Card" and sell it like NFT
One of the first NFT
- Realis Games / LIS / POL / NEAR
The time i write this post have already more of 6 Mobile Games which you can earn LIS ( Native token of Realis ) and Exchange to POL or NEAR
- Upland / ETH / EOS / WAX
I think you know about the first Virtual World Game
Now have made some updates who make more profitable to play i already have some Properties and now i start using again
- Wombat Dungeon Master / WAX / POL / EOS
You might don't know about this game but is actually a very good way to mine with NFT
- Prospectors / WAX / EOS
A very good game to make real earnings if you like to mine or sell thing the have already a token PGL
This is all the following Crypto Games i play i will make a separate post with more details for each one of the game soon
Now in other news
I will start upload videos when i play the following Crypto Games most of them need invest to start earning some decent amount but is easy to make earnings without.
3th post about Prospectors
2th post about Realis
I Stop play Splinterland Game.
4th post about Prospectors
4th post about Spell of Genesis
4th post about Wombat Dungeon Master
#dungeonmaster #wombat
Now on i will make Snaps for the following Games
2th post about UpLand
First post about Prospectors
3th post about Wombat Dungeon Master
#dungeonmaster #wombat
First post about Realis
2th post about Wombat Dungeon Master
#dungeonmaster #wombat
2th post about Spell of Genesis
First post about Splinterland
First post about Spell of Genesis
First post about UpLand
3th post about Spell of Genesis
First post about Wombat Dungeon Master
#dungeonmaster #wombat
2th post about Prospectors
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