The following Crypto Games i Play ( Investing )

in #games2 months ago


This is a record for the following Crypto Games
( i call it games )

I use and play
I will write some review and information about this

The last year i wasn't very active in Hive and i will try to change that

Most of the post will be on this account and re-blog to my main

Let me start

  • Splinterland / HIVE

Many of you know it and i believe don't need to explain something about this

  • Spell of Genesis / XCP / ETH

A collection card game with online/mobile game which can make your cards "Blockchain Card" and sell it like NFT

One of the first NFT

  • Realis Games / LIS / POL / NEAR

The time i write this post have already more of 6 Mobile Games which you can earn LIS ( Native token of Realis ) and Exchange to POL or NEAR

  • Upland / ETH / EOS / WAX

I think you know about the first Virtual World Game
Now have made some updates who make more profitable to play i already have some Properties and now i start using again

  • Wombat Dungeon Master / WAX / POL / EOS

You might don't know about this game but is actually a very good way to mine with NFT

  • Prospectors / WAX / EOS

A very good game to make real earnings if you like to mine or sell thing the have already a token PGL

This is all the following Crypto Games i play i will make a separate post with more details for each one of the game soon

Now in other news

I will start upload videos when i play the following Crypto Games most of them need invest to start earning some decent amount but is easy to make earnings without.


#games #panosdada #splinterland #wax #eos #pgl #lis


3th post about Prospectors


2th post about Realis


I Stop play Splinterland Game.

4th post about Prospectors


4th post about Spell of Genesis


4th post about Wombat Dungeon Master
#dungeonmaster #wombat


Now on i will make Snaps for the following Games

2th post about UpLand


First post about Prospectors



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