Final Fantasy VII. Many gamers, nerds and non-nerds alike, know exactly what this game is. Whether you love it or hate it, it is a game that that was engraved in many childhood memories. A game that transcended all others in story, visual, music and many other spectrums. With the countless remakes of many classic games that turned into many countless failures, a lot is being weighed on this gem of a remake. Will it exceed our expectations? I think I speak for many when I say, I sure as fuck hope so. This can be the game that defines all games or it can ruin Square Enix. Hopes were up when a tech demo was shown for PS3 back in 2006. It was then realized that no remake would be happening. Instead, the company focused more on FFXIII and it's following sequels and FFXV, which was a hit or miss for many. 2 years ago, it was officially announced and many fanboys and fangirls creamed their pants. Now all that's left is the wait. Not much has been said and FFVII Remake was a disappointing no show at this year's E3. Will it have everything in tact but upgraded with today's technological fidelity? Or will they change huge important aspects for the worse?
When it comes to the combat system, there has been many complaints about the company changing from the classical turn-based to real-time combat. I, for one, like the direction it's going. A mixture of Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy XV. Some changes are needed to progress with time. Turn-based can be nice but with today's technology and progress in RPGs, I say, it's best to be immersed and focused in on the action. The best possible choice they can make is by giving the players an option of turn-based and real-time so that everyone is happy. But nowadays it is hard to please everyone at once.
Most importantly, when it comes to adding change or improvement, is the story. How will they pan this out? A lot has been added to the arc of the story since the release of the original FFVII, so surely, that'll have to work it's way into the story of FFVII Remake. That, to me, is acceptable. But if they change names, add new storylines and/or twist certain story aspects, it can potentially break the game. On paper, the task seems simple. The people just want the story of FFVII Remake to be just like it's classic counterpart. But if history has shown us anything with previous games that we're remade, drastic changes to a story arc and other aspects of a well-received classic can ultimately ruin a game. How will everything play out? Will Square Enix rise to the top of RPG kingdom once again? Only time will tell. Hopes are high and the world awaits the triumphant return of the great Final Fantasy VII.
What are your guys thoughts on this? Let me know and shoot me a follow!
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Hell yeah! I've been a longtime fan of Final Fantasy. Hopefully they follow through with this. I'd also like to see remakes for FF4 and FF6 (or Final Fantasy 2 and 3). Have you seen Advent Children?
Advent children was awesome. After that came out I had high hopes for a remake of the game. I mean it only made sense. Of course we still had to wait forever for an official announcement.a remake of FF2 and 3 would be epic
Awesome News
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Thats great! I am a final fantasy vii fan also. i hope the remake should use the same soundtrack as the old one.
I agree. Same soundtrack just updated sounds. The musical score of FFVII was amazing
Nice post. I tried to play FFVII on PC but the second disc never worked. I've yet to finish a FF game even though I came close to diving back in. Not sure if it is something I can get in to as an adult but I guess I could start where I left offf. Disc 2 lol
Aw man you missed out on a pure gem. it wa better to had played it in the 90s or even early 2000s when gaming was still growing fast. You should definitely keep an eye out for this remake.