Walking War Robots is a game from Pixonic present on Android devices. Previously this game was released first on iOS devices. This game has been downloaded more than 2 million times in the App Store.
From some screen shots are displayed will make you interested to download and try the game from Pixonic this. Which makes this game very exciting because you can play while using war robots and fight against other players in real time.
At the time of entering the game Walking War Robots, you immediately served with advanced robots with weapons in the right arm and left. This robot you can use to fight in the arena against other players.
In this game there is no tutorial menu, you will immediately be able to fight against other players without a tutorial first. In playing this game the rules, the winner is determined in 2 ways.
One team managed to seize and master all the base contained in the arena.
One team managed to beat the other team. Each team consists of 6 players and its mission controls 5 posts.
So to win this game not only defeated all enemy robot teams but also had to power every post in the arena.
In terms of graphics, the game Walking War Robots is very good, graphics with high quality and effects in a slick game is the advantage of this game. In addition, the gameplay of the game Walking War Robots is very exciting, the first time to play it will make you curious and addicted and want to try to continue. Reward of this game is also very helpful players in collecting money to buy robots and new weapons as well as upgrading existing equipment.
This game has IAP, and it seems the IAP of this game is quite influential on the ability of the robot that we have. Game Walking War Robots available for free on the Playstore.
Image source https://pixonic.com/en/games/war-robots