What is "SteamBroker.com"?
SteamBroker.com service provides marketplace to trade items from digital distribution platform Steam™. Using our marketplace you can buy goods from other users or sell any items from your inventory yourself, which can be exchanged with Steam™ trade offers. For example, items from such games as Dota 2™, Counter Strike: Global Offensive™ (CS:GO), Team Fortress™, Unturned™ and so on. Also it's possible to buy and sell Steam Trading Cards and any games, presented as a Steam gifts if you already can exchange it. You will pay a price set by other users for it, so will guarantee you lowest possible prices. You can even get discounts in case of constant use of our service.
SteamBroker.com guarantees the absolute security for all deals. All items will be exchanged through our service Steam accounts, these accounts will be your automatic MiddleMan and will guarantee an accuracy of transferring the items to the buyer and money paid to seller.
SteamBroker.com is a trading platform that allows users to buy and sell any tradable Steam™ items, the website provides its users with the following opportunities:
1 Security
We will guarantee every deal you make and therefore you are completely protected against fraud! If a seller fails to send the item or the goods do not match their description we will give you a full refund.
2 Prices
Sellers often set prices notably lower than the prices on the Steam™, competing with each other! Real money is more valuable than money in the Steam™ system.
3 Speed
While making a purchase you can see which sellers are online and can deliver goods to you quickly. Also, if you see a “Fast purchase” icon, it means that the article is already on our account and you can receive it within 1 to 3 minutes after paying for it!
more important: do they accept bitcoin or other crypto?
Yes. Сan be used BTC.
yes they are accepted !!!