
The biggest part to evolving in any endeavor is Being truthful about what may be holding one back or being aware of the challenges ahead. Looks as if you spotted it first hand and you're on your way to greatness!! Im actually on the band wagon to witness this greatness my friend!! Keep pushing the standards and raising the bar as high as you can imagine!! everything is about vision, LETS GO!!

i think as long as you keep searching for answers eventually you'll get there. trying to new things and gaining new perspective in most cases is beneficial. simply googling will yield great results, but a lot of people still don't do it. i've also seen a lot of my peers give up along the way because they're discouraged. at one point i almost gave up myself. i really have no idea where this is gonna lead me but i guess i gotta keep going 😃

Them korean rpgs, man them korean rpgs...

ah the korean rpgs.. there's a lot of talented programmers in seoul. so many of them. yet all their focus is on programming, not games. time and time again i see crappy rpgs made with great technology. they all look the same. it's tragic.

Yeah, from my own experience I can say that it is quite easy to get lost in details when programming and to forget about the "big picture", not only in game development, but in any kind of software development.

yes it's extremely easy. it happens to me all the time. it's also one of the reasons why i seek advise from somebody outside.

to be and to maintain balance is not easy friend

no it's not. too much in most cases turns out to be bad.

I'm doing just the same thing right now, i am learning to program under unity, i am a little too much at ease with some aspects, so i train at programming hence why i can't post a lot unfortunately, i know 3D studio max very well, for modeling, animating and texturing, but i reinstalled unity after seeing some of your videos and i...

I was allways rebuted and bored by the programming aspect, now i kind of have some patience with it and learning from a lot of tutorials about it on videos, i too want to make some very personnal projects, even if it will probably take a lifetime with the quality of the models and environment, interactions i wish to have in the game.

My wants and envy for a game are really really too high even for myself, i have a really, really too high ambition for projects that can barely be made alone xD

Your approach open my eyes on the fact that me too, i have to look into these things even if they are "meh" and they were usually unattractive to me, it's hard, but i learn a little bit about sementics, clean and good commented code, and do it everyday doing programming exercises and tutorials on the internet.

Fortunately i already had a good basis in html and css before going in.

i might be contradicting myself but i find that it's almost impossible to make yourself interested in something. i try to learn 3dsmax or blender every now and then, but most of the time i fail. i understand the basics but that's about it. any depth on 3d modeling is very difficult for me. either you like it or you don't, and it's not under your control.

i find what i can use from the asset store and try to customize/fit everything into my game. most of my focus is still in programming even tho i've been trying to steer away.

so yea, it's hard. maybe later we can do a project together since you're an artist. i already have 2 right now that i'm working on, so it probably won't happen too soon. but just to think about it, i think it could be interesting.

btw i think if code is well written comments are not even necessary.

Some very nice points there. I see that problem a lot in Croatia. Most of the emerging teams here consist mostly of programmers and undervalue other aspects of the game.
On the other hand we are an eight man team with only one programmer in the team, and role of the director in the team changes from project to project (depending on what is the key aspect of the project).
Working as a part of such team is refreshing but has its own drawbacks (having no-one to strike down with the hammer of ultimate authority when we end up in our procrastination episodes and time wasting seances of circle jerking about what is the most important aspect of specific levels). But in the end none of us would go to one boss kind of environment from this. :)

interesting to hear it's happening in other places too. whenever a team is too focused on either art or programming, i think it's difficult to have results. in fact i see most gamedev projects end up not getting finished at all. but there's so many different circumstances, it's hard to find one clear answer to solve them all. i guess we're all still in the process. thanks for sharing your story.