What do you think it means?
Expressions are a huge part of the Dutch language! I must say that living outside of the Netherlands almost makes me forget about this, though going back home really throws me back into an ocean of expressions and I can't stop laughing about the silly nostalgia.
I want to bring this type of fun and weirdness onto HIVE and share a part of my culture and language with you guys. What do you think it means?
I will reveal the answer this weekend to keep the suspense going -- Googling is not allowed and Dutch people aren't allowed to guess! I keep you in the holes 👀

I write about travel, HIVE, design, food, life and any thoughts I have!

I'm guessing it means: "You're great!"
Great to see you back here :D Good guess, I shall confirm or deny this in a few days, ehhe.
I'm looking forward to that!
I'm thinking a cigar is like sophisticated and powerful, so perhaps that refers to a person who is the leader and is looked upon by others...
Wet on one end, smoking hot at the other?