Method: genMaze (COORDTYPE v)
Purpose: Generates maze in local grid.
Input: COORDTYPE vertex
Output: none
Returns: none
Note: Maze is generated using Depth-First Search (DFS) algorithm
Pre condition: first element is pushed onto stack by calling method.
Post condition: A less-than perfect maze in 2D grid
dfs(vertex v) { -- dfs pseudocode for binary tree branching --
for each neighbor w of v
if w is unvisited {
add edge vw to tree T
DFS is frequently implemented using backtracking:
1. Make the initial cell the current cell and mark it as visited
2. While there are unvisited cells
1. If the current cell has any unvisited neighbours
a) Choose randomly one of the unvisited neighbours
b) Push the chosen one onto stack
c) Remove the wall between the current cell and the chosen one
d) Make the chosen one the current cell and mark it as visited
2. Else
a) Pop a cell from the stack
b) Make it the current cell
struct mazeNode { // maze linked-list type
sqMatrix grid;
mazeNav move;
mazePtr next;
void Maze::genMaze (COORDTYPE v) {
char buf[50];
int i = 0;
bool dHood[4]; // flags to what neightbours to visit
COORDTYPE curr; // current cell
COORDTYPE nlist[4]; // neighbourhood list
COORDTYPE wall[4]; // wall between current and neighbouring cells
curr = v; // 1. Make the initial cell the current cell
//snprintf(buf,37,"grid[%d][%d] being marked as visited\n",v.row,v.col);
grid[v.row][v.col] = _MAZEWALL;// and mark it as visited (grid set as NOTFREEFLAG)
while ( !mazestack.empty() ) { // 2. any unvisited cells neighbours
if ( unvisited(curr,dHood,nlist,wall) ) {
while ( !dHood[i=rand()%4] );// a) Choose random neighbour
mazestack.push(nlist[i]); // b) Push cell to the stack
grid [wall[i].row][wall[i].col] = _MAZEWALL; // c) connect the walls
genMaze(nlist[i]); // d) Make the chosen cell current
else { // dead-end
curr = mazestack.top();// a) Pop a cell from the stack
mazestack.pop(); // b) Make it the current cell
I'm debugging play level code. Will post a video as soon as I finish that part. Should be done by week's end.