Guub spends all of his money on small robots. Arrests criminals to get more money. (Custom Robo Arena)

in #game5 years ago

Yup... This one again. I meant it when I said I couldn't stop playing these old games of mine, Custom Robo being one of the games I played the most because it has robots and it has customization. What else can a guy ask for?

Just like last time, I still find myself struggling with my Robo Addiction, which makes me use all of the game money I get into buying more game robots (even though the only thing you can spend money on is robot stuff.).

But this time I find myself with an actual "job" to provide enough cash to calm down this thirst of mine, my virtual character is working as... "technically a cop, except he's not really a cop because he's underage"

You see, in this fictional universe where people only talk about small robots that can be customized and are used to fight in small arenas, there are some very dastardly people who use said robots for crime. Because, even though those things are small, they can still shoot you dead!

This may look like a cute little robot, but it shoots fire! so you better be careful around it...

My little guy's job is to run around like the heroic child he is and fight against these people and arrest them because he needs the cash it's the right thing to do!

...All jokes aside this is a pretty fun game about robots shooting the crap out of each other, if you still have the means of playing DS games in 2020 I definitely recommend giving it a try.

Here's protagonist dude, walking around and keeping an eye out for thieves!

This job is pretty simple, all you have to do is look at every nook and cranny in the city and eventually you'll find a criminal doing some crime stuff and then you'll end up fighting them.

One thing that keeps surprising me is that even though these guys are criminals they still fight fair...

Here's evildoer numero one.

...But in a way it makes sense, in this world it's illegal to use them small robots outside of the arenas (holosseum) that people normally use to play with them, so it kinda makes sense that you would want to avoid adding more crimes to your list.

Fighting with them outside of a holosseum can end up harming the person you fight, or the environment, so that's more stuff being added to your list of crimes which in the end makes cops be more aware of who you are.



Why am I trying to understand crime in a fictional world? I dunno, I'm just bored.

The point is, the bad guys here aren't that dumb.

And here you can see the evil guys in their natural habitat. "Hiding" in plain sight

...Well not ALL of them.

This series of events is an "optional" thing in the game, as in "pay attention or you'll end up missing this whole thing".

It's not truly relevant to the larger plot of the game, but it does give you some more munnies and i'd say it's an interesting thing to play.

Every night after your character obtains "The Super Duper Special License" that lets you bust criminals you can go out and try to arrest some of these guys. You can only arrest 3 guys every night though and losing one fight means that your police spree is over for that day.

Wish I knew this as a kid...

Eventually you start to have fights with "special effects", the characters you face off against using special types of weapons or holosseums.

But why's it called Magma Ruins if it's acid? I don't understand...

This stage will immediately kill any robot that steps on the green acid, which is bound to happen to you if you don't pay attention to what your opponent can do. The robos can shove you a decent distance away so you may end up landing in the acid by accident.

this happened to me the first time playing.

The good thing is that you can also shove your opponent into the acid! You just have to be careful enough to not put yourself in the acid like an idiot and end up killing yourself while trying to outplay your opponent. No, this did not happen to me, I don't know what you're talking about.

The battles can get really intense here, specially if the robos involved have weapons that spam bombs all over the place.

Or you could just... get lucky and have the AI accidentally walk over to where the acid is and kill themselves.

This happened several times, I can't believe this is the same AI that kicked my ass as a kid.

Eventually my efforts in getting money by busting criminals busting criminals to make the streets safer end up with me fighting a man called "Coyote" who is apparently a crime leader.

Who realizes that maybe spending all of your money on a stage like this is a bad idea...


...Wait what. Illegal parts? As in, there are more things to spend my robo money on!?

Come back Mr. Coyote, tell me where to find this sweet nectar that the normal shops don't provide!

From this point on my main objective changed, I no longer was arresting the common thugs around now I just wanted to find Coyote and have him tell me where I could spend my money!

Excuse me sir, do you know where can I buy Illegal robot parts?

Illegal parts where explained previously in the story, they're overpowered parts and in this world, using one of them is dangerous to both the user and the opponent(s) which is why they're illegal.

But since that is lore and not gameplay it doesn't really affect me so I don't care.

Thankfully, Coyote becomes the recurring enemy of the night so I end up fighting him many times.

Sadly, he does not tell me where I can get me some "less than questionable" parts.


Coyote's own robo doesn't really have much illegal stuff on it, which makes sense for two reasons: Apparently illegal parts are expensive (ow my wallet) and because of the before mentioned damage that it gives the user. Again, none of that damage affected me, presumably because this isn't really part of the main story.

This fight was really fun, Coyote's AI was actually decent this time and there wasn't any hazard on the field that he could kill himself in.

He ended up beating me once, but through the power of pressing the off button and booting the game right before the fight perseverance I ended up beating him!

Here's a picture of Coyote's final robot, the purple skull indicates that the Wyrm Gun is an illegal part.


It was a close fight, mostly because I still don't know how to properly use Hurricane but boy was it fun!

After losing Coyote tries to run again but the lore catches up to him and he ends up losing consciousness from fighting so much with an illegal part.

This sadly marks the end of my criminal busting career, without Coyote no one wants to do evil stuff anymore around the neighborhood, so that means that I must return to my previous means of obtaining money: harassing strangers 24/7.

All that remains now is to collect the rewards of my service from the police station...


For my incredible service to this town, I was given... at least 200$? I don't really remember how much it was exactly. But I do remember the total!

Great success! I am rich now! ...At least until I start to buy more robot stuff.

In addition to all of this money, I was given another reward for doing everyone's job for them.

Thank you Mr. Anime Man.
Oh yesssss.

How did they know that a robot is the best thing they can give me!? It's as if they know about my robo addiction...

Hurricane has a new replacement now...

Immediately after this I ran towards the closest shop and spent all of my money on different robos and parts that I will probably never use in my life.

Like these!


After my time in the police was done, I had no other choice but to continue the story, half hoping that it would unlock more robot stuff for me to spend my money on.

But not before I spent some money on this new X-Ray of mine...

I can't believe I just replaced Hurricane like that.

This is actually the first time I took some time to learn how to play with different robos. When I played this a couple of years ago I stuck to the Ray Mk III but I found out it's better to just play with everything and see which one you like more.

And I just fell in love with this one, even though it's just a different version of the default robo you receive. I guess I just like this version more...


Here he is, standing around in his little diorama. I've used him in a couple of fights now and I absolutely love him.

That's as far as I'm taking this post. I kept playing for a while, it's surprising how much of this game you can take when everyone is not talking about custom robo every seconds.

Come join me next time, when I continue to consume robot products because I have nothing better to do.

As always, thanks for reading and I hope you have a great day. Remember to stay safe!