Hi whats up fans, we have two new exciting Videos being uploaded to our Youtube Channel Flood Team 6 this coming weekend. We would like everyone to stop on by and view our channel and our two new videos.
Lot of hours Have been poured into video editing to compile our new feature of split screen plays. We want our videos to be entertaining, funny, and relatable to most of our viewers. We want you to feel that anywhere you go, whether it be driving , out with your friends, and alone by yourself you will want to come to our channel just to to be entertained.
Here is a picture preview of whats coming up:
We're also including several new video features such as split screen game plays. A few suggestions were made to have both Capt Sly and Makarov's game plays be viewed. After learning a bit more of Vegas Pro we found out it was possible and found it largely entertaining to see both feeds.
To add insult to injury we're customizing several different Achievement unlocks in our videos to add humor to both Capt Sly and Makarov's death. We got some of our ideas off the net, but we decided to get our own template and create our own in Photoshop. Here are some samples you may see in this coming weekends videos:
Hope you guys come by and check us out. Lots of Hours have been poured into these two videos. We are striving every week to come up with good ideas and ways to humor not only ourselves to but to our viewers and subscribers.
We will keep everyone posted of anything new happening with the team and to our channel.
If you want to chat our join our gameplays you can find us on Steam:
Look for Capt Sly and Makarov, see you all on the battlefield.
Thank you all.