My favorite League of Legends champions
My last post was about Dota 2. Now it is time for League of Legends- the game that I played every single day. Why did I stop? Well, it happened quite recently... and that is mostly because of Steemit. Since I have an optimistic outlook on the site. That's why it has taken up quite a lot of my time.
Ok, ok enough about me. Let's talk about my opinions...
So I have a very good understanding of the game, I've played it for a very long time and I've grown to enjoy playing some specific champions that I will talk about in this post.
Let's begin
1# Akali
This was my first ever main and honestly, it still is the one champion that I'm actually good at (somewhat). So why I find her so fun... I guess it's her kit that really does it for me. Akali is a very mobile and bursty champion. She rely's on her items a lot, so if you're playing her top, your best bet is Kleptomancy as your keystone. The only thing is, her burst is kinda slowish, she does a lot of damage, but only after she throws her Q. So when you are in an intense 1v1 you run into that awkward moment when your Q fly's at the enemy. But surely after it lands you can do tons of damage.

2#Master Yi
The famously known auto attack noob champion is one of my favorites because when playing him I can completely zone out from the game and still do good. Most of you know this champion, some of you play him, some of you despise his existence and some just really don't care. Yes, to answer your question, he doesn't take much skill, to start playing, however, to master this champion there are things you must learn. There are reasons why Master Yi mains are not all Master tier players... except Cowsep he is pretty good. I like the champion because I feel like he is balanced because of the risk you take by picking him. If you fall off in the early stages of the game you will have absolutely no impact on the late-game, but if you get fed early or just keep farming without being disturbed... there will be problems for the enemy team, that is for sure.

3# Twisted Fate
This guy is a solo-queue monster. If you can play him right. I see a lot of people having trouble playing twisted fate. And I will admit, he is not easy to play at all. He takes skill, practice and a lot of game knowledge and I mean a lot. Because his ultimate ability is what makes so scary, he can teleport in where ever he wants in seconds to pick off low enemy champions or even to burst some unsuspecting ADC or support. I like him because of his champion design... I mean throwing cards just seems cool on its own. And everything else is a bonus, especially his fedora.

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