Television has been around for decades. Families used to have 1 T.V per household now television sets are in almost every room in the house. They take up space and are big and bulky. Even if they are flat screen they still take space on the wall. They take lots of resources to make. Holographic projection will be as small as a smoke detector and maybe smaller. For instance like Apple invented a disk shape holographic display
and it is still in progress. Other companies are trying other methods like glass wear for instance Microsoft
the HoloLens. Personally I think it would be bothersome to watch a move like this. Other methods would be contact lens
one back draw is people like me that hate inserting objects like this, let alone touching my own eyeball. The best for any household would be the famous Star Wars holographic display
or the best I've seen would be the movie Minority Report with each device placed in the corners of the room. Watch this video from YouTube and tell me what would be your preferred vision of the future holographic television.
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