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RE: Crash Test Dummies

in #future6 years ago

Success is measured in two ways for me. Where one has been and the where one is going. I think that the Steem ecosystem has both elements as for starters it is surviving. Despite the price crunch across alll blockchains, their is an active and growing community creating and consuming content which is was has given the ecosystem a nearly $300 million value. Attention is value these days and I have been providing a lot of effort and see others doing the same. This will support the ecosystem going forward as now the changes made will balance the utilization of resources to ensure that efforts are aligned with costs. I feel that the data being generated could be leveraged to improve the dynamicsnof value creation going forward.


I feel that the data being generated could be leveraged to improve the dynamicsnof value creation going forward.

The entire community has data, skills, talent, art, content, direct purchasing power etc. It is all leveragable and can be used to attract and support. It is pretty cool really.