Encrypt the internet, for a brighter tomorrow!

in #future7 years ago (edited)

Break on through to the other side!

Hey Steemians! Hope you guys are doing great! I present to you: another post.

Please watch this video below, it's about Kimdotcom talking internet encryption:

Encrypt the internet

And to all the regular media streamers, like the Jimmy Dore Show, @Infowars, and the @Shadow Brokers, as well as @Wikileaks & the infamous @Anonymous group, thank you for keeping our heads above the hypocritical waters tampered by that of the globalist elite.

It seems the Doors knew what they were on about, back in the late seventies with this song below. To me, it resembles the shift one makes with your mind, like a break from one perspective to another.

"Break On Through (To The Other Side)" - The Doors

"You know the day destroys the night//night divides the day": this might refer the ying yang effect that balances out two opposites.

"Tried to run//Tried to hide
Break on through to the other side" - it's simply not possible to run or hide from it, because it's an inevitable part of the human condition and our purpose in life.

"We chased our pleasures here,
dug our treasures there" - as people, we are always looking to fill the void with something of a want or desire, which is advertised to us & we start to convince ourselves, this is what we need.

"But can you still recall//the time we cried?" - we are only human, and we want and need that which makes us feel good and at peace.

Find love! Because even if it hurts, which it will, if its real, but it will also shed away the darkness, and reveal to you your personal truth, which will further lead you to your own liberation, whatever it may be.

"Made the scene/week to week/day to day/hour to hour/the gate is straight/deep and wide ": the long road to freedom, is never easy, but the ultimate love for someone and something, will keep you company and show you how to get there; plus, it will catch you when you fall.

Yesterday, I watched the classic film, Forrest Gump, and this scene got me thinking again:

Forrest Gump: Those must be comfortable shoes, I bet you could walk all day in shoes like those and not feel a thing.

Nurse at Park Bench: My feet hurt.

Forrest Gump: My mama always said you can tell a lot about a person by their shoes, where they going, where they been.
Forrest Gump: I've worn a lots of shoes. I bet if I think about it real hard I can remember my first pair of shoes.

The nurse Forrest speaks to, has some white new shoes on. And Forrest has shoes on, much like mine or like a person who wants to live, not merely exist: worn, torn and slightly broke...but with character and an exhilarating feeling of being alive, and awake.

The contrast depicts to you, as the viewer, that Forrest has walked a few hefty miles in his shoes. And when he runs, which is where the infamous slogan, "run Forrest run" comes from, is when great things happen. It's when we get off our asses, and move, that incredible things literally take place.

Pain and suffering are as much a part of life, as joy and peace is. Life is an up down rollercoaster. For every down, there is an equal up. So be patient, because at the end of your long bumpy road, is...freedom.

And then you might ask, so tell me how does this all relate to my life? Well, how does it not, I ask. You see, when you get to that stage of your life, when you feel almost as if you can feel two equal opposing forces taking effect within and are in some perfect equilibrium, inside of you, well then you know...the ying yang effect is real.

Have you ever felt so utterly lost, like you want to simply drop to your knees and never rise again, yet at the same time, you feel completely satisfied with where you are and where you are going, and that everything makes total sense... but it's a frightening thing to feel, and simultaneously, it means you are about to reach the lateralus effect: immense freedom.

Lateralus, by Tool: "Lateralus"

"Black then white are all I see in my infancy//red and yellow then came to be, reaching out to me.
lets me see//.As below, so above and beyond, I imagine//drawn beyond the lines of reason.
Push the envelope. Watch it bend."

Part of you wants to tell you its all over and you should just give up and let go of all that you had hope and dreamed for, like as if you are doomed for all eternity and more. But then, there is that quiet voice at the end of the day, the one whispering back words of hope and reason, begging and nagging you to let you listen to it: "it has only begun".

Once you start to see how connected we all are, as Allan Watts puts it, that we are all part of a huge wave in the ocean, collectively doing what the entire Universe is doing at this moment.

I remember the day I woke to what it means to be connected. It means more than switching on your wifi or internet. It means, being able to put your phone away in any given conversation, and to really just talk old fashioned style to the person opposite or next you...

except you can still do it over the internet, since we do live in a digital era...you see, its not the internet that ruins communication. Its the middle man who spies, lies and steals your info, twists and turns it to make it work in their favor, that is what kills communication.

To have a real, authentic, meaningful conversation with someone, can be made even faster, more secure and more real, through encryption, and instant messaging, from anywhere in the world, enabled by the internet.

And it was after I saw how strange trends were and how people were religiously following false idols, all around the world, that I started questioning it.

Tell me, why is it that masses and masses, and oceans-full of people were suddenly starting to "like" and "dislike" the same things. And when before, before this outbreak of fake news and celebs and the like, did we all create and talk and dress, but in a completely different way, shape and color?

Sure, we were always manipulated as a collective in some way or another, by he globalists, but let's be honest that it became extremely bad over these last couple of years, and I think since the year 2012 ( the year the world was meant to end), that perhaps we could argue that these Globalists had really taken over then.

We as people are way too unique and each of us has something special about us, something interesting to contribute. We cannot all be liking and dressing and buying and talking in the same way, why would God make us all the same? It's downright insane if you ask me.

So I started looking and researching at what Facebook was doing, and I started connecting the dots. And the day I quit Facebook, after several attempts to permanently deactivate ( because you cant delete your account), and people asking me and shaming me because of it, not to mention, what I regarded as "harassment" by the company itself through its spam emails, I finally managed to break away from this horrible spy machine.

Step one of 900, and I am still on step something something, aiming toward total freedom from this media control machine, and so should you! And so one day December 2016, as I sat on a bench in Ho Chi Minh city next to my other half, smoking some of the best green there is, and listening to Tool, I thought about it: " what if there was an alternative media stream, a direct one? How would the world be different?"

Its a simple concept really. As people, we need to be 'fed' with truthful information. We are like computers, and the data which is received for input, like html and css, is what is used to create the output, which is that which you see, on the front end, the outside world which we create through what we 'interpret' or read ( like code).

Let's collectively remove the middle man spammer, who is always listening to what we say, spying, and bombarding us with annoying, often vulgar and disgusting ads, and then only to get to know us better, to sell us crap we don't need, suppressing and stripping us of our very essence of our condition, to live a purpose-driven life.

Because even though I have no idea what will happen tomorrow, and neither does anyone really, I know it will be on the same wavelength as the rest of the world. We are all in this together, and that is why, we all need to help each other; because it is by helping others, that you help yourself!

So to answer your question, about how we are all connected? For example, every time an announcement is made, like when Chelsea Manning was released from prison, it is much like a collective victory. It should be like an old friend of yours, who is being granted his or her justice, and simply for speaking and showing the truth, to help you! I remember that feeling of intense happiness and freedom when she was released, the countdown to Assange's case being dropped and now, we wait for the start of Kimdotcom's bit-cash, and the Internet Party.

And as the veil gets pulled away, I see how we live in some astonishing times. I used to be nostaligic about the 60s and 70s, because it was better than a whitewashed Wisteria Lane Western 'perfection bubble'. It was as if people were free and awake after the Vietnam war, and like there was something finally to fight for, freedom. But that all seemed to die down in recent years, and it felt like our times were simply so meaningless and mundane, like a photo of a toilet seat, which is now being called a work of art.

I see it for what it is, it is simply the truth, covered up, sugar coated and white washed. Buy my friends, the truth cannot be hidden for long. We are now moving into a new age, and it contains some seriously juicy stuff - get your popcorn ready.

It is one of the most amazing things in the world, to feel like an orphan of this world, almost like you have experienced a death during your lifetime, only to be woken again to another perspective of it, to experience your life, from yet another angle. This to me, is the feeling of being entirely free, because freedom, is only another word, for having nothing left to lose.

I feel at times, like us as the people, are entirely and completely incompatible with this world, and how it operates. Did it ever dawn on you, how we might in fact, be living in a time-capsule from the American booming years 1950s (automobile), when the American dream and the 'perfect' pill-popping housewife who awaits her husband, who never comes home because he is either at the bar or at war, 'serving a false war', is only designed to make someone else rich? Yeah, but it's also designed to make you fail. And perhaps, designed in the Industrial Age?

Break away.

It has infiltrated almost every aspect of our lives: Education, religion, family, friends, health, banks, governments, media ... the list goes on.

At those times, when you find yourself in the darkest of places, (which could best be illustrated in Tool's lyrics: No Quarter), then I say this to you: things are changing! Hold out.

And as much as you deny to believe that your life is connected to the lunacy of that which is happening in this world, it is.

Everything you know to be true, is in fact, a lie. Like in the words of Yoda: "You must unlearn what you have learnt"

Because mostly everything you are feeling when you are feeling down, has been so strategically designed, even before your birth, to punish you for being you, to be free or to be happy. Happiness is advertised as an Olé ice cream next to the cemented hole in the ground, called a pool. It's a frightening concept, but it liberating at the same time.

The system was not created to serve you or me. It has a few 'pre-designed ticky tacky boxes' in which you simply just have to fit into, or else...or else there is something desperately wrong with you, and you need this pill and that doctor.

Yeah, this is what we learn at those government indoctrination camps, for 12 years, and if you choose to, you can add another few years of you have the money, to go to college. But remember, you'll have to pay back your loan, which almost rarely ever happens.

It is designed to benefit the globalist at the top: it's what I call, a ponzee scheme on steroids: a tupper-ware party galore!!

The system is made to numb us down, sedate and fool us, into being obedient and willingly compliant to a reality, that is outdated, mechanical and unfulfilling. Can you believe that Nancy Pelosi, one of the main culprits of the scheme, would say something like "people don't want a new direction"..?

And the best part about these globalists? It has a very predictable outcome. Pension schemes and mortgage loans (which you also mostly only get a mini percentage of - if someone doesn't try to claim it for themselves for some reason and also if your health doesn't demand you to buy more medication etc).

So, where does it end? With us, the people. And no, I'm not referring to Katy Perry's bizarre comment after a shock terror attack: "we should all just co-exist". This is the same person who also happens to live behind massive electric-fenced mansion walls made for a pink barbie doll queen, whose lifestyle is in fact, funded by you and I, with our tax money.

I mean to say, if we the people, who are in fact the majority, had to stand up, and face this false authority, and essentially, pull the rug from beneath their feet, we will win.

What's behind that wall?

I think it is easy to build walls for ourselves, and I think society actually encourages us to do it.

Walls divide. They create a barrier between things, and they are large and rather obvious.

And I would like to compare this wall to the system and everything it represents.

Yes, Pink Floyd's "Another Brick in the Wall" is the representative film of the late 70s, about the meaningless effect of us being simply a smaller arm in the greater machine works.

I think this idea can be intensely frightening on the one hand - and yet, it can also be amazingly liberating.

I have always felt a fascination with this film: it meant a lot to me, especially due to its stance on anti-authority & the powerful message it portrays about the state of our global, currently "centralized" nation.

Sometimes it can be hard to understand why things happen to us in the way it does, and sometimes we feel immensely angry at life for making us go through those things, which are often extremely unfair and challenging.

But only today, I realized that everything we go through, is an experience to be had, not a problem to be solved, and what you are experiencing or going through, is preparing you for what we have asked the Universe for.

And let me tell you, you do not want to be, just another brick in the wall...

So break down those walls you have built for yourself, tell the barking dog to keep quiet, peel back the layers that hide the truth, or better yet, get your crayons, and color your wall in... Imagination is key.

If you can dream it you can live it.

Whatever media you are taking in on a daily basis, this is your input, and remember that it will have an effect on your output, which will be displayed much in the same way as an html document creates a website.

We as human beings are computer programs. We are given certain information or coding that gives us 'commands' to carry out in a certain way. Its often the mass spread of 'misinformation' that we consume unknowingly at times, that serves as the middle man army, and turns us into an extended political arm, for too long now.

Wake up! It sends and receives highly confidential information about you, and is used against you, in so many ways! Shut it down. Switch it off. Inform yourself.

You are never to small to make a difference. I like to bring up this story I was told, when I was in school, by a teacher of mine:

"One day, there was a man walking on the beach, and he saw that the entire beach was stranded with starfish. He started throwing back starfish one by one, into the ocean. Another man saw him and walked upto him. "What are you doing?" He asked. The man told him he was wasting his time, and that he wouldn't be able to make a difference to the whole situation. The man, who was throwing back another starfish, looked at the other man and said: "It made a difference to that one."

I think there would be a huge change in how the entire system operates, if people all over the world, have access to truthful information at their fingertips, and to use the internet smartly, safely and for their own personal freedom and empowerment... and not for further enslavement.

I think one great solution to the problems in the world, could be to change the constitution, and the leaders. Make it one that is created anonymously, by the people for the people.

I think people will do well by going back to the core elements of what it means to communicate, in the same way as how we learn to speak a new language, and to analyze its grammar and construction.

We need to stop focusing so extensively on the pragmatics and the necessity to get the 'rules' and regulations right, and to use our existing knowledge to simply, well speak freely and directly to those around us.

For too long, we have been monitored on our every action, and our most intimate moments have become public property, all while we are scrutinized for making the simplest mistakes ( while rich conglomerates operate above the law). It is for this reason, that most people lack the confidence needed to express their thoughts and ideas openly.

Communicating 'fluently' or directly, goes hand-in-hand with making mistakes; which is also part of the learning process of life, and is even part of what it means to acquire a new language.

Learning should be fun, and it should be a space in which we feel supported, encouraged, motivated and free to make mistakes, knowing that we can make a difference, no matter how small or insignificant we may feel. Education should be relevant to this modern age, and most importantly, it should drive and push you to be better than you were yesterday.

Remember, you have the entire universe inside of you.

Peace out.