I am pretty pumped too on the abbondanza
The bitter:
Any quasi monopoly, government, institutions will do everything they can do to block:
“Institutions will try to preserve the problem to which they are the solution.” Clay Shirky
Few examples where we have sky rocketing costs :
- Insurances
- Banks
- Taxes
While we know that the technology gives them means to reduce this drastically.
The sweet:
I am sure we will see very important improvements especially the ones that will cross together those new technologies like:
- 3D Printing and Medical: Bones, Cartilages, to Organs at some point.
- New Materials and Composite/Mixing Materials easily through 3D Printing allowing higher integration, more functionality with less raw material.
- Automation, Robotics, Agriculture: Better Quality, Higher Diversity, Low Price Food due to improvements on the density, the optimized management of the water and the fertilizer.