GO >here 2partICiPate
IF THE MAJORITY of LivingBIngs / Homo sapiens sapiensis etc. answers YES we will from now on and #4EVAH end the Possibility of LandOwnerShips on this planet with immediate effectiveness.
Any other option might B added by anyone of the poll participants for what IF AnyThingElse shall B #4EVAH BANNeD From This PLANEt.
And for every Weapon* given back inTime* ReFund/ReWaRD 100K WRFCoinz™will B AwardED.
*Xact ListsToBAnnounced inTime™2 :wink:
TYVM for participating. Furrst 1000000 Participants get 1 WEEZ™
2 receive Ur WEEZ™ 4 participation plz send the PublicKey of UR WAVESwallet 2 weez.t.m@gmail.com
In Case U wanna DCide 2 Support the #LetsBuyEarthBack™ #GlobalMoveMent™ inStead JustSend any DsirED amount WEEZ™ to 3P8Ny1jFV1DFsSpCMNbJYCRRBwcDi8bMLdx the MainFoundationFundAddReSS ConTrolled By Meez™
;) <3P.S.: Any Coin Of The™FAMilY will ever B worth 1 WAVES. Trading above and below @own Risk.