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I got asked who is Furious Pete?

Furious pete is a youtube star

What does he do?

Makes videos on eating challenges

What Footage do YOU want to see on here?

Any footage that will take steem/sbd to the moon :)

ohhh , its fun watching you !

Looking forward to some great content. Upvoted and followed.

A super good video I personally did not know who is furioupete now I've learned and I'm watching your videos now

bro why are u faking :p
just kidding

Cross audience. He makes money and find new people here who will watch him here and on YouTube. Great, another advantage to bloggerst to devirsify some his work to another platform. YouTube is dying, almost killed by advertisment burden.

nice comment and give you vote good

DUUUUUUDE!!!! So awesome to see you on Steemit and DTube!!!! That is absolutely huge news :) Great to see you're posting here and a huge welcome! You've got a follower and supporter in me man, I'm so stoked to see you on this platform. I personally would LOVE to hear about your crypto investments and projects that you believe in, and also your fitness and lifting PR vids are always awesome. Can't wait to see more of your stuff on Steemit and DTube :) p.s. I upvoted this comment just for visibility, I would really love to hear about the crypto projects you are involved in.

@dexter-k This guy to me is a legend of his own kind. What a way to celebrate our being on steemit than having great guys (influencers) like @furiouspete123 on this platform. Seeing all other top social influencers falling in is a very beautiful thing.

Steemit hasn't even reached baby stage.

This is just the foetus stage.

More of them are coming to steemit and DTube.

Thanks @furiouspete123 for coming, and for the post

wow this guy is on dtube i cant believe it

@markjackson1989, i thought i was dreaming when i saw him on dtube. furious pete to me is a unique individual with a bizarre and ironic story, i mean this guy is a professional competitive speed eater and a fitness athlete. He hosts a TV show for German TV, holds numerous Guinness World Records. d4L(only those who know, knows) has heled me greatly to stick to my goals and dreams and accomplish them with ease. Like this guy is the real deal. Good to finally see you on dtube man @furiouspete

and hes beaten cancer multiple times

I thinks that it's not a coincidence that yesterday TWO really good and manly channels join Dtube at all force. They show us that they are here, they are real and they like crypto.

It's Cambrian explosion for Dtube. Bloggers will follow. More and more. YouTube now at the bottom. Zero $ back from YouTube. In the future people will show case studies that YouTube started Bad Politics when competitor Dtube came up. It make Dtube even better))

It's you!

Hey Pete! I'm glad you see you're here too

Hey Philly D in the house good to see you here

great job mate

Mix it up a little on here @furiouspete123. You gotta show us some eating videos for sure...Maybe talk about cryptos too what projects you believe in. 😉

Pete I watched the big pizza video, and I was amazed when you finished, that is the first time I view a video with you, and now to see you here in the Crypto family just made me cry and I rarelly cry , not in the last 5 years that I can remember.
here on steemit we all belief in freedom and that is it We should be free people on a free planet. I love you and respect you! all the best crypto friends.

Hey pete if you want to get in on a good coin while its still cheap check into superior coin and @kryptonia

I would say that Furious Pete is a man who like to eat well, can shoot videos that people like and he looks like your friend. There is a lot of lone souls and Pete can help them to feel a little bit better.

Pete has good voice. Pete pumps his muscles. Pete do what modern man do. Competitive eating is hard. I can't imagine myself to do this. How can you eat so much but don't get gluttony?

Do you have some eating disorders? Why do you choose this sport?

I saw that some competitive eaters train using vegetables that way there's more volume and less calories so you don't get a whole lot of weight.

want to see gains!! Show maybe something you’re struggling with then set a deadline and offer to give away SBD if you don’t reach it!!

Cool to see you on now. I have seen a lot of your youtube stuff. Please upload lots of training and eating videos and don't switch too much to cryptocurrency-videos cause is already full with that kind of content!!

Who is furious Pete? He's the man. Good to see you here on Steemit, and Dtube Pete. I hit you with a upvote bro.i-upvoted-this.jpg

I am already promoting you bro. Leave a comment in my post please and gain more fans. Welcome to steemit ;)


I have seen you eating a lot of food, More than what I have eaten my entire life!!

I just dropped a sub, As a smaller content creator also coming over from YouTube for similar reasons, it's a really big deal to see you here on Steemit. If the big guys like you are also checking out the platform that's great news! I'm super excited to see how DTube grows in 2018 and what other prominent members of the YouTube community switch over.

P.S. @furiouspete123 Maybe tell Demolition Ranch about DTube if you're liking it? I know he's talked about his troubles with YouTube for a little while now...

How I wish I could eat the largest pizza on earth with you idol! 🍕🍕😁😁 I just wanna know if do you have any plan in visiting philippines and have the "Balot Challenge" a duck egg challenge 😊😊

I dnt knw furius pete But u can explain me abut furius pete :p

Excellent ....! Genuinely Good work..! ! Thank You for sharing this on steemit!

Greate to have a huge youtubere here :)

LOL...!!! Comedy videos

This is going to be Awesome. Thank you for coming to steemit @furiouspete

I've upvote your post,
I also ask you to upvote and follow my account.
I really hope to become a successful stemians like you

.... so in for the long run, hey... welcome on steemit buddy!

damn you are here! i have been following you on yt for years! welcome here! more power to you!

If you want to know who is FuriousPete, go check out his Youtube Channel ! And do fitness videos, that's cool ! :D

Hey Pete glad you're here! Make sure to bring a lot of your audience from YouTube onto here. It can only benefit all of us ✌️

You said shit. Nice.

Welcome to the platform!!
Adding established YouTube stars are going to give Steem a huge boost.
You're the first of many. : )
Pete is actually genuine and engaging. Perfect one to start the transition.

lol what german tv show was that?

not sure how the competitive eating and fitness fit together, but I am sure it will be interesting to find out!

A man from canada who has wonderful life.

Oh shit I know you!

Hi dude. Give us some videos of work out and the diet after for healthy body .

Glad to see you here.
Welcome to steemit
I would say you'd be great here, but it seems you already are..

polish pride

Lol welcome here futurious pete

Somethings missing 🤔 🆙

Excelente video, suerte...

I like your post thanks for important shearing

Never heard of @furiouspete123 before, but now I know that he is an awesome guy.

Guys check out my channel! follow me i will follow back!:D

Well, I'm glad to know who Furious Pete is. I'm Canadian too but I think from another part of the country. Another part of the fitness world too. The eating and crypto videos are the ones I'm most interested in.

funny style

Good face good voice good content what can we ask more ?

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