Everybody got a morning routine. Mine start with reading Dilbert. You've got a new comic every day . It is the first thing I do before starting my day of work.
Why is Dilbert so interesting? Because it is a caricature of real life. I have a few friend that work as engineer in some big company and they confirmed that sometimes it really plays like that. Also most of the time, even if you don't know anything in engineering the characters are still fun and compelling.
I don't know if you're an engineer in real life but be careful, you're either more like Wally or Dilbert, but not both. So pay attention wich one you are!
You're right it is a great online comic.
It isn't only online, if you go to your nearest library they might have a book of it. I don't know if they still print some.
I really hope so, printed copy always feels a little bit different.
true that
Thnx @alexfournier for putting this info all together.
thank you for reading it :)