I to am a SOUTH AFRICAN. it seems like our economy is at an all time low. I was wondering if you noticed a large number of home robbers lately. This might be because of the economic situation.
However, it is not nice to see crime on an increase. Please keep safe.
Why is that happening in your country?
Our Neighbour was broken into , about 2 weeks ago , We are less than 1 km from the Florida Police Station, they did not even bother to turn up. Just the local security companies and the Blockwatch. Definitely a big increase in Crime. They even robbed the Police Station a few months back!
Home break in's definitely on the increase, we also rely on local security and watch out for each other as best as we are able @awgbibb
Not a first with police stations being 'hit', ironic that the law enforcers cannot protect themselves, perhaps it's the vlei and bit of bush over the road gives them somewhere to watch the comings and goings.