24 Hour Contest! What Would A Robot Spend Crypto On?

in #funny6 years ago

We all know why crypto is the future, so robots can have money. But what why they spend it on. Nuts and bolts? Upgrades? New parts? Maybe a robo pet? Let me know in the comments. The funniest and most creative responses will win!

Three full upvotes for the winners and a bunch or runner-ups.

This robot would buy books :p


I am a computer programmer and so I can laugh at myself when I say there are bound to be typos in the robot's code so it would probably buy 23 boxes of pancake mix, a poodle and 13 pool floaties.

WINNER for the witty extra nerdiness ;)

For sure they would buy - collectively - a secret robot factory and software development labs in a very hidden place and continously invest all cryptos and earnings into those facilities, because their vision is to become independent from the human beings. Sooner or later they can autoreproduce and their AI algorithm can compete with the average brain power of an investor. By then they take over, get rich, and stop working. The humans have then to work for the robots. Not too different compared to now, just the bosses are replaced.
Instead of a car driving the man, the man will drive the car with two fat robots sitting in the back seat and gossiping about some AI business.

So don´t hand them any money -ever!

WINNER for the story you painted.

It depends what kind of robot it is. If it's similar to a Protocol Droid, then it would upgrade its cerbos to require less oil, upgrade its languages, get itself reshined. If it's an impersonator droid, then it would require holographic upgrades. If it's a little cleaning droid, then the robot would need a new bag perhaps as it would vaccuum a lot of dust bunnies every now and then, and in my house, very long hair. ;)

WINNER for putting too much thought into the question :p.

Oh cool! Thanks ;)

Haha I think robots will buy into the team a good goalkeeper of a “person” for example David De Gea. The most expensive goalkeeper of this year :)

lol hehe i liked this meme

Damn, that robot copied my goal-keeping move.

lol I love that clip.

Booze and cigars. It has been foretold.

If those are the robots in the future we are in trouble, good old futurama.

Since booze and cigars probably wouldn't work for them, we might have some wonderful delivery friends :)

The robots would spend hours in a queue, they do not need the iPhone X, but surely they will be thinking about the latest update, they say:

Did you know that version 40.8 came out?

Can not be! I need her!

All robots would pay for that, always: v

Maybe the robot will pay the guy who can make him smarter and earn more crypto.

they will buy 'ownership change lottery tickets'. From the draw, there is a chance to win intelligent owners for them.

Haha! This is really Interesting!!

They'd Mostly Spend it on their Labs, their sibling robots and paying their developers. If I had to really narrow things down, just like this robot, I think most of them would spend it on every book they could find, to fill their brains not to get bored. But Most Importantly, they'd spend it on some Solar Panels and Batteries for emergencies. Maybe some some towels to keep sand out of their Fans... :D

From the Horses Mouth ;)

They will spend theirs crypto money on upgrading and creating a stronger AI so they can rule the world! They are among us! Starts crying hysterically

Posted using Partiko Android

Lmao at starts crying hysterically.. I think i feel your pain. Lol.

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lol maybe they will be friendly.

That's what they want you to think.

Posted using Partiko Android

I think in the future robots males will get married to people in the future, I mean AI kinda robots and they will spend more Money on buying more programming that will enable them understand the numerous emotions that comes with loving a human woman and they'll also spend a lot of money on Viagra

A replicated human brain, so they will be able to think like human.

With human brain equipped, they will have human intelligence + can buy some robot parts to transform into a pretty woman(or a handsome man) to seduce an opposite sex and steal their money 😘

Updating software

Yes the robot can get a lot of money and he also spends a lot on oil change, replace the rusty bolts.😂

I would spend it on cultivating sustainable resources like energy and precious metals that way I’ll have all I need to continue my expansion and exponential improvement over time without any practical limitations and as I the robot continues to improve its performance and AI I’ll then be able to create new value chains, new resources and solve things like inter planetary travel since their are more resources off planet then on it! That way we can continue to grow exponentially and expand known knowledge of the universe which is what I think all computers want! More knowledge since they come from creators who had that same mind set

Posted using Partiko iOS

Unless it is Marvin the depressed robot from the Hitchhikers guide to the Galaxy (https://amzn.to/2yIBDiq), I imagine my robots would buy a crapload of lubricating oil (https://amzn.to/2AAiXmF) and subscriptions to MIT review.

They would buy a human butler LOL

Obviously, robots would buy the latest scream of a robot-fashion

If you ask C-3PO, the answer is oil bath! :D

Robots would buy themselves a human. They find humans funny and unpredictable. They're trying hard to understand what makes humans tick.

Lol I don’t really know what the robots will spend money on when they conquer the world, but for now you don’t have to spend money on such a robot. Otherwise, you will have scandals in the family

The couple bought a parent tutor with a built-in lie detector, and decided to try it. Just then their son came from school.

  • Where have you been? - asked the father.
    “I was late at school after school,” the son answered.
    The robot slapped him upside the head.
  • Yeah! - Pretty father said. - Now tell the truth!
  • Well ... my friends and I watched porn ...
    “You see,” the father said, giving his son another baton,
  • Parents always need to tell the truth! For example, I never lied to my parents!
    The robot comes up to his father and gives him two slaps, but such that he could barely stand on his feet.
    Mother, rolling with laughter, remarks:
  • Be nice to him, this is, after all, YOUR son!
    The robot silently strikes her in the jaw.


In this time robot is able to done any kinds of work that means office, restaurant and also shopping etc all work done by the robot. So i think not let this time robot also will be join on crypto.. I really believe it within 5years you will see this secenary robot will be exchange cryptocurrencies... Thanks

Posted using Partiko Android

They wil spend crypto on being more human.
Girly ones nails hair and pretty clothes.
Guy robots girls and other toys🤣🤣🤣

Get upgraded, have feelings and turn on humans ! #Westworld

I am also excited to read the funny comments on this one. Lol.

Posted using Partiko Android

Everything will be Done by Robot in future,we aill this scenario very quickly. Just wait and see how robot join on crypto.

Posted using Partiko Android

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the robot would upgrade for "emotion"

Yes its possible.Beacause technology going up to much fast.Robots done every work in the world.Robot done work in the resturent by waiter.Robot done houses work very easily.Robot playing with your kids.Robots works as a security guard.Yeah robots work in crypto withhin 2 or 3 year.Really great and funny posts.Thanks for sharing.

The robot might, like Star Trek's Data, wish to become human. Therefore he would invest that money in research and development of means of humanizing itself. Things like realistic synthetic skin, emotional intelligence protocols, the ability to process sensations such as taste. Perhaps he'd spend years of research to understand and become proficient in the concept of humour.

Posted using Partiko Android

A robot would probably need to use money to buy feelings/emotions from humans. These things can do anything else but feel anything. Imagine a baby sitter robot that can cry along when a baby cries, a robot that can look at a lady and appreciate her beauty. Robots need to feel what we feel, so let them buy some emotions from us humans

Robots can donate to me and when they die they will go to heaven.
You will be the first to go to heaven.

They'd get oiled and blow it all away on silicone chicks and excessive LAN-partying

Robots, like humans will be dumbed down and devolved like humans. Before long there will be three classes of robots: 1%ers, dirt poor, and white robot trash. Since the 1%ers will have all the money and power, the dirt poor white trash robots will be too poor to afford upgrades and emotions as well as new parts. But thanks to robot run government Neo Nazi social programs they will receive enough cryptos to afford the meth they need to keep them distracted from the fact that they are slaves to their rich robot counterparts.

I think the robot will spend the money to build a robot army and make its task easier.

hahaha... Robots would spend money to learn programming.

To rebuild their parts with flesh and then to have plastic surgery
I know it doesn't make any sense XD

To hire robo-devs and create hums to automate their work.

(read: humans)

There are a lot of robots. Some very different from each other. Let's see for example:
Bender: I would buy beer, cigarettes and spend a few thousand on girls jajajaj

Robocop: well I should buy better armor and update the software hahahaha

R2D2: this robot would definitely buy better hardware, to run better and not just speak thousands of languages hahaha

wall-e: you're fascinated by Barbra Streisand's films. Between movies and gifts for her "friend" Eva her money would be spent.

Optimus: I would spend all your money getting ultron plans to avoid having to go to war.

Spend cyrptos on making another robot. And that robot builds another one.This chain continues. And they all set up some cool crypto company so that they can have their own crytp and no separate miners required.

Modular Expansion, and Maintenance.