When your friends who've spent the last 6 months listening to you blabbering on about cryptos finally get a chance to ask you 'so how are your investments doing lately?'
gif from giphy
When your friends who've spent the last 6 months listening to you blabbering on about cryptos finally get a chance to ask you 'so how are your investments doing lately?'
gif from giphy
Take the high road, tell them it's down and it could go probably stay low for a while so you're just going to ride it through by Steeming on.
Save The Finger For The FUD-meisters When Steem >$100
source: tumblr
haha, it's not impossible i guess
lol painful but not impossible, you took my reply like a man traffy
also considering the size of your balls, you sure know how take it in stride
Me (Amature Crypto Investor) Trying To Show Strength
source: imgur
These friends would be far better represented by a pair of massive chickens.
People on the sidelines inherently want others to fail so they feel like their fear or ignorance didn't cost them anything.
haha well put
shoulda searched for smug chicken gifs
wonder what they'd look like
Smug chicken search gave me this...

Are you trying to pawn off a disco chicken as a smug chicken?
Hahaha your every funny post very interesting...Resturent done...Sir..😊😊😊😊
source: giphy
lol you're funny, upvoted here and also below to encourage you @steemmatt!
Why, thank you. That's a nice positive message and gesture!
Well Said
Use reverse psychology and truth to leave them hanging.
'It's all just a scam, especially that bitconnect coin, total scam, everyone is going to lose their money.'
How bitconnect holders are losing their mind
Then they ask you if you lost any, just tell them not me, I've got the real deal better than put your local currency here
If they ask what is this real deal, channel Warren Buffet : 'You can ask me anything except what I'm currently buying'
School them for being smug!
fighting smug with smug
i like that
When you and your friend join steemit at the same time but you decide to buy steem when it was a lower price
only ones smug lately are those outside of crypto unfortunately
Well, you just need to knock some sense into them
And just keep steeming
One day, you'll show them
You're so nice for commenting on this post. For that, I gave you a vote!
haha unless they suggested to buy Steem 20 days ago
damn that's cruel
they torturing a possum?
upvoted to encourage you @shencoin, but I do feel sorry for that terrified rat
humans can be shit
I think I didn't hear the question lol :D Specially in these days :D
ya playing deaf and dumb is always a safe option
Yeah at the moment I am acting deaf :D@trafalgar,
upvoted to encourage you @theguruasia!
bloody damn why you suggest me to buy steem 8 days ago and say me steem going on moon
this is why i never give investment advice
i just tell my friends what I have and go, and it's really high risk, do your own research
only safe way to hodl these days
cause if you do tell them and this happens- you get blamed and you lose friends
don't tell them and goes up - they think you don't care and secretly they hate you
try to hide what you're doing - they check your steem wallet
You're so nice for commenting on this post. For that, I gave you a vote!
Personally I prefer Pork
But to each his own I guess
pig on a spit, just like our parties back home in the islands
Don't worry. I sleep well knowing that many of these people will hurl themselves off of rooftops, bridges, and other high structures when the world's fiat debt catches up with us and the idea of retirement becomes a cruel joke.
not sure what that means, but I'm upvoting to encourage you @acolucky!
That's either very dark, very deep, or both.
Ironically there is a great possibility that the abundance that blockchain technology will bring could be the great safety net to prevent all that someday.
Up-voted and following you now.
It is both dark and deep, thank you. It also rings true and is written with swagger. That is my humor. Sometimes it us too much but I think it is getting better.
You good Sir are most definitely getting better. I enjoy your humor and I am going to start looking forward to reading your funny post.
"let me tell you a story"

You're so nice for commenting on this post. For that, I gave you a vote!
same to you @bentharedonethat
upvote to encourage you @bentheredonethat!
They're always saying not to put all of your eggs in one basket.
upvoted 50% to encourage you @theabsolute!
also I like chickens
Like we say in Sweden; don't awaken the sleeping bear! Especially not one that lives in the crypto market.
Up-voted, such passionate eyes @bluetower.
hey that's will ferrel's eyes not a bear's!
upvote to encourage you @bluetower
Thank you I really needed some encouragement hehe
Haha thank you . I'm a man of fire and desire
Upset Upset Upset, don't be describe just be heart breaking! ha ha ha
My situation will not be like to say

"so giving me sadness.....sadness.... Ask me another story......"
If you asking any cryptos now ready to arrange ambulance....
ahhhh stop your talk, not a good time to ask this questin,

i cannot give you answer now lol
He cannot like to talk with me. Lol..
when your friend want to laugh on you to ask you about your profit,,,
And got a brilliant answer

SHUT UP no more question on my investment in CRYPTOInvestments are now in a very bad position. Who knows when it will be right? @traf
Upset Upset Upset, don't be describe just be heart breaking
What what what does this mean?
lol my guess would be that meatless bitconnect is riding bitcoin like some obesity rodeo
There are some questions in life that you may not want answers to young man, this I'm pretty certain is one of them.
Gif photo was funny
I'm sure they do not think well about me :)
Just tell them right now it sucks, just like their mom.
It's one of those bitter sweet days. My portfolio has taken a massive hit, I've literally lost more coin money than I've ever had in my bank account, in just the past two days, but at the same time seeing Bitconnect wither to almost nothing makes my heart warm, especially thinking of all the assholes who spammed me their referral links
This a great one funny one..Dear..I smile one...Thanks for sharing...
nice post. if possible i will mention him here