
Advertisers says deodorants attract more pussy.

they're just racing over to mace him properly

Wow amazing funny post..

you've grown out your hair? Was it because of steem?

at these prices i can't quite afford a haircut

No further tests needed, pussy is obviously attracted to guitars

probably just annoyed the strings are blocking its way into the hole

Hahaha amazing funny post sir..

I'm a musician, and I played on a bachelorette party 2 days ago.

Close to the end, when they got drunk, they stripped us, and we played almost naked, lol.

do strippers call themselves musicians these days?

I actually felt like a stripper.

They were putting money in my friends pants, lol.

I don't think I could handle that many groupies. Probably playing a Cat Stevens cover song.

yep cat stevens
my favorite tennis player too

Pussies love music very much, but when the family life begins, the pussy is ready to kill the musician :)

seems like a good way to react when the wife is nagging at you

I tell you what doesn't attract any pussy is saying that you own a heap of Steem!

Lol, totally agree with them, these pussies just go crazy when I play my guitar, hahaha

Lol. You're right, my pussy is a Michael Jackson fan :)

traf, it seems like these songs are very attracting pussies and everyone else, LoL

This guy has all the pussy he needs in his life!

pussy pussy everywhere, not a girl in sight

Luck won't change even as he tries with might

Doesn't matter that he ain't that bright

Because he is as high as a kite

what happens that those pussies walk with spite

When your music is so good literally only pussies come to the show, and they waiting for you to get your ass up so they can pounce on the garbage.

stop giving yourself false hope of guitar-magic. they came for his black rod.