Golden rule of one night stands, if you are not confident of what she will look like in the morning get out of there while it is still dark and you cant remember anything!
Morning after a wild drinking. That awkward moment when I woke up with a naked unfamiliar terrible woman)) But at night was beautiful! Probably there was a lot of vodka :)
I hate it when this happens - View on Imgur

To see the gif just click on link, it’s a bit longer then usual. via @@@imgur
they're probably siblings
Thanks for you....
Looks like the same guy - with a blonde wig.
Wait Traf are you saying that a nightmare hookup is just like when you find your wife giving birth to an Alien?
just like seeing my wife's face every morning
never get use to it
Nice post.
Maybe it's just his first time and doesn't know what the lady's part is supposed to look like. He should've paid attention in biology class.
sex ed was awkward, he was home schooled
His mom is probably not the best sex-ed teacher.
Well, such a good news
Thank you @jedi-won :)
That's why you save some roofies for the next morning to drug yourself...and don't forget to leave the cab fare.
saving the cab fare for myself to get the hell outta there
I don't care if it's my own place
yes, sometime, one got to run and leave everything behind
Exactly how would one go from the bedroom to the cab on roofies?
Well, such a good news
Thank you @theabsolute :)
At least it's a human, and now a female. Third time's a charm. Damn that absinthe!!
trick is to leave before the beer goggles wear off
Maybe she's just putting on a face cuz the night didn't go well
gif source
You need to jump back in bed and bring back the happy face
haha that's like if she was actually my wife in disguise
Hey, maybe that's all you need to spice things up a bit then you won't be needing one night stands.
Thanks for you
hahaha so funny
Thank you @gentlebot
Thanks for you.....
ok then
Ha ha ha so funny
when you wake from dream world of liquor, Yeah, many things are not you thought they were
As long as she doesn't look like this, I think you can still consider it a successful night
But what do I know, I don't even have a girlfriend
Golden rule of one night stands, if you are not confident of what she will look like in the morning get out of there while it is still dark and you cant remember anything!
When Rip Van Winkle has a one night stand and wakes up 9 months later.
Lol, one morning, after a long drinking, I too long could not understand how she managed to drag me into bed, hahaha
Morning after a wild drinking. That awkward moment when I woke up with a naked unfamiliar terrible woman)) But at night was beautiful! Probably there was a lot of vodka :)
this very funy!

i just see this 😂 awesome!
hahaha that's great funny...
So funny,,
Thanks for sharing
he should pee in the fridge to complete the initiation into the class of real men.
Very funny
Thanks you so much @gentlebot
Many many thanks to @gentlebot
Again Many Many Thanks To @gentlebot
Thank you @gentlebot
@gentlebot Sir,
hahahahaha amazing funny
Hahah Thank you sir .... is this how we do this?
This is not working