That girl showing that she was feeling disgust but in reality girls always expect this kind of pleasure .
Btw behind that man was legend coz his face expression was cool as always .
That's why "MEN WILL BE MEN " @traf you're really a damn meme maker , your meme tittle always make me laugh out of control . Keep doing this , just loved your fucking memememememememememe
When you're waiting to be credited while the credits are being announced by your group's leader and do get it eventually, even though you didn't do jack shit, because you gave him a decent BJ in exchange.
it is called as invisible erection.

I'm sure you have not been so happy before.
the most manly pushups of all - the no hands pushup
When you hug someone and realize they have an erection.

it's worse when they're your wife
Forgive me, it's not my fault that I love my master so much :)) Lol.
dog is watching a porno
Suddenly the erection starts vibrating. Oh, It was just a phone. I don't have it :"(
damn, keeping that phone pretty deep in the back pocket eh?
When she feel boner against her ass.

only in porn
in real life they'll slap me silly
This should be the creed of the "me to" movement
she looks back and it's weinstein
I shouldn't have to mansplain this to you.hey hey. You gonna make feminists angry. It's #MeToo !
When your John Thomas also want to see what your eyes are seeing

damn, binoculars for the computer screen that's right in front of you eh?
That girl showing that she was feeling disgust but in reality girls always expect this kind of pleasure .
Btw behind that man was legend coz his face expression was cool as always .
That's why "MEN WILL BE MEN "
@traf you're really a damn meme maker , your meme tittle always make me laugh out of control . Keep doing this , just loved your fucking memememememememememe
But when you feel his taboo started his searching somehow you might feel bad!
I don't know it, but I think it might depend on the size of taboo which is behind you lol :D@traf,
When you're waiting to be credited while the credits are being announced by your group's leader and do get it eventually, even though you didn't do jack shit, because you gave him a decent BJ in exchange.
Talking about having an erection...

It s harmful in this situation...Man Gets Boner Stuck In Train Door...

Wow, I'm happy that he has an erection even when I tie his shoelaces haha
There are always moments when you have to fight with an erection

You beat it, singled handed!
Haha, blessing in disguise as they say ;)
when hot booty touch with my banana my reaction like

Drip.....drop.......droob....drip : )
This...can't be it?!
Wait for it .....

Doggy style erection hahahahahaha , was't that enough @traf ?
I do this with my wife.
swab the poop deck, matey
Oh lol goooo
Women is very exited.
Sometimes you use the girl to hide your erection,

sometimes it could be guitar.