
Human jump when you re drunk.

not bad for going down on a lady either

Now I understood why doctor said, not to have a sex when you're drunk :D

Coz you might hit the pool with something other instead of the thing that you might use there :D I think that Doctor said it by his personal experience lol :D@traf,


but sometimes my wife refuses to put on the paper bag

I'm always in the rescue vest when drunk, no one knows where my adventure will end.

keeps you afloat when you're vomiting in the toilet and fall in

haha. That's for sure.

Unless you go swimming in a river of Vodka

that you vomited up

when drunk girl start swimming but Doggystyle is always her favorite.

maybe she's just really really wet for you?

Thanks for you....

same guy 10 years later

They need the darwin olympics

very funny! If you do that work, you do not have the job!!! haha

Thanks for you my dear friend

Really Very funny

He is not only drunk he is out of his mind. when you drink you become out of control and mind but not to much so you can,t judge wither it is sand or water.

It is quite funny and crazy

thanks for sharing this @traf

This is literally: "Another one bites the dust!"

FACEPLANT incoming!

Hahaha what an absolute imbecile! I could probably find a funny gif but the word imbecile came straight to mind!

Lol. When I'm drunk in the shit, but shit does not sink :))

😂🤣😄 very funny ry 1342E873-8A9C-45E3-A244-54C6626ED4A8.jpeg

hahaha its true...nice post.@jannatur upvote me.

This is actually the way it is! its funny but true hahaha :)
steemit brother always your post was good..carry on brother :)

Parents had lots of experiences.... unnamed (16).gif

A drunk man can swim everywhere even with out water....... LoLunnamed (19).gif

Congratulations @traf... hahaha beautiful funny post...

wow nice funny amazing great meme ,,,,

everybody fucking jump Lol

That was actually my life first night sex excitement experience, but unluckily i missed the target to launch my rocket.
ooooopppppsss maybe it has broken !

Amazing funny 🤓🤓

I feel so guilty doing this sometimes.

Look at this, look at this,,
Hahahaha very 🤓🤓🤓 funny 🤓🤓🤓🤓

Hahahaha very funny

😂😂😂 This is damn crazy hilarious!!

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