
Maybe her ex boyfriend wanted her to feel how shitty life is without him

ahh they use to use that as lube for anal

*everyone, including the pool boy she cheated with.

Haha 😂Seems like this pool boy is doing fairly well for himself. This is the exact reason I don't have a swimming pool ( it's not because I can't afford it )

Hahaha they were caught unaware and they thought that crocodile just show face inside the pool

ya it's the original jaws plot

I'm not buying it at all. What a sh*tty excuse.

it's not so bad
wasn't like she was sitting on the water cooler

i think everyone has to leave with you .... LOL

haha I wonder if they're willing to drive me home in their own car :)

How do you manage to find such quirky gross stuff????@traf - Ewww. Leave a party - never to return - even to the same neighbourhood!! Even a few fart bubbles could have gotten the same effect!




haha no idea, just ran into it, found it gross, so decided to make a joke outa it and share it :p

Sexual chocolate, baby.

Lol at their reactions. I haven't seen that kind of panic since Jaws.

yeah I think that was the first draft of Jaws
woulda been pretty funny actually

Mud in the Water.

Eeeee....leavr to never party again....shiittttt😃

yeah invites to the local pool club has been a little sparse since I used that trick

Drunk logic: “will have more fun anywhere else...just need to make my escape...”

*Drunk and on mushrooms.

omg dude its weired

lool great Idea hh

Holy crap! thats just impressive, long gone are the days where I can pump n dump... normally takes me a few hours to get my release.

Honestly I'm a little jeaslous.

  1. I dont look that good in a bikini
  2. Takes me like an hr to take a shit

Enjoy it young one while you can.


Hahahaha you are in trouble

Talk about a sticky situation

I wished I were with them to defend them

Creative way to own the cool tub.

Once you go black, you never go... yeah nevermind

Ewww....that is gross. I almost threw up. Yuck!

Thanks for that terrible imagery Traffy! But No Thanks!


I could have thought some other reason...;-)

@traf Did you give her Taco Bell?!

That's got to be pretty embarrassing :-P

I totally expected a fart from the guy. Everything else was not allowed in my universe.

omg no. Too far sally

The stealth attack "shart".

Hey @traf, I am writing to you and many other people who I have noticed for being very active and interested in humorous/sarcastic posts. I am not writing and begging for following me, but I want to share with you two of my other accounts, @krvsada and @tuzlasada , where I post funny GIF memes on daily basis (5 on each). Since I really want to improve and get amongst the best 'humorous 'steemians’ on this platform, I would love if you could sometimes drop to any of my meme accounts, enjoy in shared content, and possibly (the most appreciated) evaluate my work. I promise that I will be fully engaged with single one of your comments since this is something which inspires me and makes my days better. Furthermore, if you decide to keep up with my account, and if you decide to add my accounts to your steem voter account, I will assure to connect additional 55+ young accounts to automatically upvote your account's (and anyone else's) posts. All of them are my friends and their accounts can not give you lots of 'rewards', but can easier get you to the HOT section and possibly increase your account visits. That would be the smallest thing that I could give as a return for your engagement with you. Please help me to get a rise in this section on this platform. All the best, @keyss.