When the girl you picked up last night happens to be a locksmith and you only used a single chain securing her to the radiator
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When the girl you picked up last night happens to be a locksmith and you only used a single chain securing her to the radiator
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just be thankful that she didn't also free both your wife and your girlfriend
good thing you lock them up separately in the basement closet and the basement cellar.... very smart jealousy management methods
guess she didn't have the time to dig them up and cast a reincarnation spell
Looks like you and the radiator will be eating alone tonight.
hard when our dinner just got away
al least the leftovers will be warmed up
Gotta use high quality leather straps, body restraints, and just to be safe booby trap like immobilisation darts
That's how my parents got back together and avoided a divorce
gotcha, although going by the size of some of my catches, horse tranquilizer is probably more apt
haha awww another abduction with a happy ending, were you also born in the basement p? ;)
I have tried to advise you young men here on relationships, but I fear that my counsel may be falling on death ears.
Try to be realistic, aiming way over your league can lead to guaranteed disappointment
whatever my league is, i guess it wasn't justice league
Don't let the fancy boots fool you, it's steel tip and no matter how small the privates, it will still hurt.
Why didn't you even kept a hole in the door! Sometimes it might help a bit :D
Anyway you have an idea about how to manage more than one girl in a single night, am I right?@traf,
takes a while, but eventually they learn to use the cat flap
That's why you gotta have a back up plan.
Mine is Samuel Loverfucking Jackson. He keeps the bitches in line.
he's playing scorpion in the mortal kombat remake, i hear
I like it.
backup chain nice!
I'm sorry, I can't really relate to this ... none of them escaped
they're less fun if you don't give them hope
it's only your first few months, very soon when you start breeding, you'll have to stop chloroforming every night
Chlorofol???? More like Borofol!
Well done, always try to keep what you already have, if at all possible never upgrade, downgrade, or sidegrade. Be grateful, there is much
erectionsatisfaction in contentment.May be she remain with you whole night if you don't show her your tiny dick.
then what would be the point?
@markzuckerbergs, How did you know @traf has a tiny d!ck lol :D
Can i get your 'locksmiths' number Traffy? I had this creep show up to my place, yours looks much better!
I suggested she adjust my tap haha, but she escaped :)
You should do it psychologically. Just convince her she is locked.
It's called as learned helplessness.
If you wana chain her then make sure you do it right...like this
Wow. As I was lucky she is not only a locksmith, but the house is well guarded :)) ha ha
No comment. Waiting for my lawyer to be present.
What is the benefit girl pick. If she will escape.
Good girl have a nice day.
Hahaha. funny post.
Mine was a mechanic. The broken radiator was fixed by the time I was back with food.
Trying to lasso her didn't work either, even after showing her how she was supposed to jump in the loop.
source: http://media2.giphy.com/media/jDJp27GOUaFXy/giphy.gif