Top 10 memes of the day
Save the doggos!
Robin: How did they find us?!
What did we do to deserve dogs?
It’s been a long day....
Minecraft good
My first attempt at making a meme
Whats old is new again
Disney bad
It’s like this in any game with colour and facial customisation that I play
How do you even fuck up holding a flashlight
Ah yes, I do love literature
Kowalski, analysis!
Bill Nye...
Lieutenant Pupper at your service!
I can feel this on another level
I owe this man my life!
Paying it forward, Norway Style
SAD. but fax
I'm Gonna Do What's Called a Pro Gamer Move
Nice chain in the comments
Good movie
It Knows Where You Sleep
Why are you under 18?
Indeed it is so