Top 10 memes of the day
Deploy the rockets!!
Big quacc
Social Media is down
No roof either smh
Sorry, I was stuck in traffic
It's a simple spell but quite unbreakable
We are breathtaking
"AnYoNE eLsE HaVInG PrObLemS wItH FAcEboOk?"
Happy reddit noises
Not as many as me!
Ouch, this one hits too close to home.
Stares intensely
OpPrEsSiOn 1oO
Tom is a god for this kinda stuff tbh
Mission impossible 69: mom's revenge
Happy Independence Day
he needs to know how things work around these here parts
these memes are still relevant right?
Thabk you grandpa
We have been lied to
You have underestimated my power
Ah shit, here we go again.
It's holy water