Penetrating Teenage Girls' . . . Brains

in #funny7 years ago (edited)

Back in 2010, I had an idea: what if I read magazines aimed at teenage girls and see what sort of horrible things exist within? Even I was not prepared for the level of stupidity I would find. This video has been demonetized on YouTube (like almost all of my videos). I figured that maybe Dtube would show it some love.

I plan on uploading a lot of what I feel are my best videos to this platform, since they certainly don't make money on YouTube any longer!

▶️ DTube
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I remember when this was new, fuck I'm old.

For real, this is taking me back to my high school days

You think you're old? I'm still old enough to remember the OGs of Amazing Atheist & MrRepzion. Let's also add in BloodBlitz into the mix.

That's the thing that got to me the most about youtube, even as a small creator. You put in the work to make compelling videos for your niche and youtube demonetizes, completely fails to recommend your channel, and ranks you lower in search results because you have "ass" in your username or like to say fuck a lot.

This was pretty funny, although, as an adult male, painful. I knew going in that a teenage fan magazine would be vapid. I had no idea though that it would be THIS bad. My question though is how many of these magazines still exist? I'm guessing with the internet, not many. It's all about social media now. I suppose that's progress?

They do still exist. How well they're holding on, I could not attest to. I actually revisited this concept several times since. It may be time for another edition in this series.

Might be interesting to see if they've changed at all from 2010 till now due to the internet. Do they use more pictures? Are the stories even more vapid? Anyway, glad to see you're on Steemit and I wish you great success!

i bet the do the same bullshit all "news" do now, just print random twits.

maybe you should branch out into cosmo or womans world this time.

Pretty sure that same level of vapid bullshit is all over the internet in many forms. I doubt there's been much progress in that regard.

I fucking feel like I'm 2010 again... not that I did see the video back then, but it's been a while since I've seen anyone caring for Justin Bieber. Feels nostalgic.

Oh man, this is classic TAA. Simpler times.

I can't even imagine how many neurons you lost in the process. I'm sorry, dude.

It was worth it to provide entertainment to the people!

"Penetrating Teenage Girl's Brains." A true classic, happy to revisit this one.

Of all of the things to bring back you chose this lol
To be fair, I always thought this was one of your best vids from that time. Who else remembers when this video was first uploaded to YouTube! Jeeze, I can't believe it has been eight years.

Awesome. Trip down nostalgia way...

This is the type of content that got me hooked on TJ!

Bring back the whiteboard! It was the best part of your old videos.

2010 was just 8 years ago, why does this feel like a lifetime ago!?! Time is accelerating, or I'm old...

Fucking hell the sheer level of cringe, the magazine itself is one thing, sure it is vapid tripe but it's just filling a demand. The really sad thing is that this sort of magazine actually was successful, and that barely pubescent girls cared that much about Bieber and others like him to purchase magazines like this one. I don't know which part is more unpleasant to think about, the fact that this magazine was profitable in the first place with this sort of 'quality' content, the fact that some teenage girls lapped up their content, or the fact that parents decided to purchase it.

Honestly though the most interesting part of looking back at this is the perspective it offers for what sort of shit was going on nearly a decade ago, and what is going on now.

Paul talked way too much in this video

Back in those days Justin beibs was the highlight of those videos also like that was the first year a lot of us fans got to see what you’re made off. Before anyone ever even knew how to be triggered

TJ loves the Biebs.

was a bit confused there fore a moment "2010"

Oh yeah, Justin Bieber exists. Thanks for reminding me TJ!
Good idea though reposting old videos here.

Whats funny is how timeless this video is, teenagers in general are pretty witless , and that wont change for as long as land lasts.

I saw this when you first put it on YouTube, but it's totally worth the watch again. You're cracking me up, TJ.

pageboy TJ?

This is funny Tj, I feel really old, my magazine was Teen Beat when I was a teenager it ran from like 1967 all the way up to I think 2007....anyhow I liked it. Thanks for posting brought back some memories.

I wish I could see the views D:

bring back paige boi TJ lmao

Yay for the classics!!

wow, how young were you in this video?

I'm glad you ruined my life TJ. Thanks for the nihilism

Shit. I'm starting to feel old as fuck.

A classic video

Oh, I remember this one! Classic.

I just watched this on YouTube. Guess I will watch it again :D

Finally! A subscribe feed! I'm glad I joined this website!

Do I go on a list for clicking something with this title?

blast from the past

the question i: why I'm even watching this?

I remember watching this when it first came out.

This is really fun cuz we all know what #Asshole-Empire Bastard this Bieber became.

I'd love to see TJ make a video just like 'Penetrating Teenage Girls' Brains' but with 50 shades of grey

I mean... I would watch it =D

jesus christ. I remember watching this back in the day......fuck me has it really been 8 years.....?

Good memories. I'm glad to see your older videos here, I've been on TJ binges and would rather not use youtube.

This and deciphering what tweets from Justin Bieber mean are classic.

Oldies but goodies are always welcome! MSM Stupidity is never old!

the golden era of tj videos

You should do a recap on this shit and read some modern swill

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