
Planet Googly.This murderous post is in the shortlist for today's #GooglyPrize and currently up for voting on

Good Luck!

fresh crisp and green... nice one @tilltgerbi...

now look at the terror in those #GooglyEyes, what can I say... it's a tough fate!

Yesterday I stuffing my face with a big fat burger... so today, it’s salad - a loaded salad but still, lots of green stuff. These guys made it tricky with their terrified little faces - makes eating healthy even harder :) I didn’t give Chad the chop - he was dunked in houmous instead haha!

They surrendered with their hands up in the air, don't be a heartless murderer 😦

jajajajja. el apio es el que menos me gusta en una ensalada .
Pero estos si que son muy bonitos. ♥

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