Hello my fellow Hive enthusiasts. I would like to take you away from your daily tasks with a bit of honest nonsense. Hopefully you can get a bit of a chuckle before you resume whatever it is you do.
I peruse through a lot of sites everyday looking for things that interest me. Stupid people are usually at the top of my list for two very important reasons:
A) There is never a shortage of them.
B) They toggle my giggle switch more than any other topic.
I've decided to share little snippets of the world with you from time to time to let you know that there is some really weird shit going on out here and some really weird people doing it. This is my first post on this subject and hopefully it will become an oasis of humor in the Hive-iverse.

I found this ARTICLE this morning while reading through my search of stupid criminals.
Apparently, the suspect broke into this family's home by prying open a screen. She must have gotten hungry while robbing them (because burglary will really work up an appetite) and decided to have a little snack. Upon the realization that others were in the house she left through the same window but not before dropping her Cheetos and a bottle of water inside by the point of egress.
As the police were investigating the offender stepped out into view where she was identified by homeowner. To further cement her arrest was the incriminating Cheeto dust on her teeth!
Now, I'm no expert at criminal activity but I watch a lot of forensic TV, so I feel confident in my view of the situation. First rule of criminal activity is don't leave evidence. No DNA, No fingerprints, and No half-eaten meals of the most recognizable substance on the planet! They make commercials parodying how easy it is to catch a Cheeto thief!
Hopefully the woman who broke in will change her ways after this arrest or at least have a meal at home so the hunger bug doesn't bite her in the middle of her next "job".
Until next time.......