Go, Go? Go....Can we reach the Destination...? Is it close or is it far...?
Choose to change Your life, through the Steem Schools, Press and Start... See on our Discord Channel: https://discord.gg/EVbE8Bt.
Go, Go? Go....Can we reach the Destination...? Is it close or is it far...?
Choose to change Your life, through the Steem Schools, Press and Start... See on our Discord Channel: https://discord.gg/EVbE8Bt.
It's like they say asking you get to Roma hahaha xD
🙏 Yes, Roma...😂😂😂
You know, the distance depends on the attitude and enthusiasm that you put on the road, it will be far if we are not motivated and disinterested, it will be close if we have our goal with enthusiasm, happy motivation, the trip will be more pleasant and short.
In conclusion, the distance is in the optics with which you look at the path of your destinyGreetings @tatjanastan, I see a nice walk, with @dobartim I think they are near the site where they are heading I see good travel
No importa si una meta está cerca o está lejos, lo que importa es que tracemos con precisión nuestra ruta, que vallamos a una velocidad prudente, siguiendo las reglas y con seguridad llegaremos a nuestro objetivo. Saludos.
Greetings @tatjanastan. When we travel or are in a hurry we become impatient and many times because of that we do not reach our destination. Impatience can cause problems such as accidents or delays in pending matters.
The destination is here and not there.... The here is that almost there we only need to push harder to get here.
If we wish with our greatest strength to reach the destination, we will do it. It will only depend on our performance and our perseverance to overcome the journey.
wishes you a very save journey and i think it is close to us
Each destination have it different experience and life is all about experiences
Hola @tatjanastan, si seguimos las señales de transito podemos llegar a nuestro destino.
Esto pasa cuando vamos de viaje y queremos llegar rápido porque tenemos una emergencia para ir al baño jajajaja
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Due to net problem i don't see you photo so i don't comment according to your pic.
Wow very thrill travelling