Gringos Guessing Words in Spanish - Let the Shenanigans Begin!

in #funny7 years ago

In an effort to build our Spanish vocabulary, we came up with a ridiculous game. It goes a little something like this: We each pick 10 random Spanish words and had the other person try to guess what they mean. Pretty simple, right? Well.....

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Education exercise or total trainwreck?

We'll let you decide. What unfolded in today's video was a montage of hilarity and utter embarrassment. But hey, all in the name of becoming fluent in Spanish. ;)

Watch the full video below.


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Until next time,

(and Laska the Siberian Husky) @sharingeverybite (Maddie) @shenanigator (Jordan)

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I found this video very entertaining. Please do continue posting your video, I already subscribed to your Youtube Channel. Great effort for posting valuable content like this

Would you agree that this kind of content is needed on Dtube? Decentralized entertainment?! I am looking to achieve this!

Thank you! We're getting tons of great feedback about this video. We might have to do more like this!

I agree

Hahaha, hilarious! Followed!!

Estuvo bueno el video, me parece super tierna la chica.

Hahahahahahaha. I can't stop laughing. You all missed everything, except for the clue Maddie gave for the jingle bell. Haha.

It's a good start, because whatever you learned today would surely stick and it's better. Well done.

I enjoy the extras hahahaha. Laska was definitely enjoying the strokes.

Well done guys.

We're so glad that you thought this was hilarious. We had so much fun with this video and absolutely love how it turned out!

It was really a funny video and the expressions when both of you were missing the phrases made it even more so. Well done. It will always get better. You have my support always.

Welcome to steemit. I hope you have a good day. I give you my vote I hope yours, go through my channel when you can ... may God enlighten you

Nice video and nice way to learn new words in spanish. Thanks for sharing this wonderful and entertaining way to learn @tangerinetravels

Les responderé en español, viva el español, me encanta que quieran aprender este idioma que a veces es un poco complejo, sigan practicando fue divertido el vídeo :D yo estoy intentando aprender ingles

hahahaha I love it! I like your reasoning to get the meaning. Very funny, you are great guys. Btw, entrañable means endearing. Great game. Segunda parte por favor !!!

Thank you, that means a lot to us! I think one website where I (Jordan) got a few of my words from led me astray. Because, according to some YouTube comments, entrañable and a couple other words were wrong.

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Oh, I thought that maybe in another country they say" Friolero" I didn't read this comment, now everything make sense to me!
"Friolero" is not the word. xD

Yes, please! Segunda parte, loved it! xoxo

Haha yes is funny, hello from Venezuela

Hahaha lol, Knowing another language is like owning a second soul. Who does not know foreign languages, knows nothing of their own.

Oh my gosh, yes! Knowing another language opens up a whole new world!

Hello, most of this words are from mexico spanish talking only will have no sense in other latin country. enchilar for example. every country have this own words in the same language or maube thee same word whit diferent meaning. Hasta luego.

Thanks @mastermagician! Quite a few of our YouTube subscribers pointed out to us that a few of the words are straight-up wrong or rarely used. For example, enchilar, friolero (should be friolento/a), and entrañable.

friolento , thas is right

Es bueno ver cómo hay mas personas de habla inglesa interesadas en conocer el castellano o español. Me gusto mucho el post.
sigan practicando...

Muchas gracias! Que piensas del nuestro video? Fue entretenido?

Fue excelente. La chica tiene mejor acento!!! sabe escuchar y pronunciar las palabras. Estoy a la orden para practicar.

hahahaha that crazy! Good to know that there are people who like or make the effort as you to speak Spanish, and in a very funny way, that game is a learning hahaha!

PD. El español no es fácil pero tampoco imposible chicos ! Felicidades sigan así. Miles de éxitos!

Our YouTube subscribers, as well as some people on Steemit, have pointed out that some of those words don't mean exactly what we said they mean. A certain website led me (Jordan) astray.

Thankfully, we have a lot of people here who are willing to take the time to correct us and get us on the right path!

Glad you found the video to be really funny. We may have to do a part 2!

the gringos learn Spanish faster than we Latinos speak English

Que vídeo tan gracioso jajajajaja. Me hizo el día enserio

Muchas gracias! Pensamos que el video fue muy entretenido.

It was very fun!
Muy gracioso el video!

Just a remark, some of your words at the beginning of the video: friolero, enchilarse, amigovia, are mostly colloquial terms said Mexico. There are many variation of the same terms across all Spanish speaking countries.

And in fact, the movies are dubbed mostly by Mexicans who use a neutral dialect and expressions, avoiding any characteristic terms. The only exception is movies dubbed for Spain, which have specific words and accent.

que bonito y divertido ver como intentan practicar el español, yo debo hacer lo mismo pero con el inglés, jajaja que cómicos

Todavía necessitamos aprender muchas más palabaras en español. Suerte con tú inglés!

hahhahahahaha me hicieron reír es muy gracioso, que bueno que se tomen la tarea de aprender este hermoso idioma,, ;)

jajaja amo estos videos de gringos hablando español, de vez en cuando busco videos en youtube de esa clase, sigan esforzandoze lo estan haciendo muy bien, suerte muchachos

Muchas gracias! Esta video fue muy divertido! Se que unas de las palabaras no fueron correcto, pero esta bien. Todavía estamos aprendiendo.

Para eso estamos amigo para aprender no se rinda siga aprendiendo jeje

This is a funny way to learn a language. I think it's time to start my Spanish class too

We had a lot of fun with it and think the video turned out to be pretty entertaining!

Hahahaha you were funny guys is always difficult learning a new language but you're doing well, blessings.

Thank you! It makes us really happy to hear that people find this video funny! It might be one of our favorites yet.

TRANQUILOS, take it easy ... If my German friend Katherine could learn Spanish, or rather, Venezuelan Spanish, surely you can hehehe

Haha this is amazing! Your adventure is inspiring. Keep up the good times.

Glad you enjoyed it! What did you think of the format? Is there anything we should do differently if doing a part 2?

And the hilarity ensues... So much for cognates!!!

Haha, none here! I think "Genio" was as close as we got to a cognate.

LOL Laska's face when you guys walk back in- licking her lips like "whad ya bring me!"

Nothing, Laska. We didn't bring you anything. Settle down!

LOL Does like any particular mexican treats? Or do you guys just stick to doggo food for her :D

Does mango count as a Mexican treat? LOL

lol the apple doesnt fall far from the tree then! 😂

buen post, se torna a una comedia ver a los gringos tratar de hablar nuestra lengua

Learning Spanish thru Dora or you guy's, you guy's are much more fun!

holaa, me reí mucho con tu contenido jeje es muy chevere, me gustaría que te pasaras o cualquiera que lea esto se pase por mi cuenta, soy nueva y le estoy poniendo ganas jeje, acabo de subir una historia espero les guste.

both of you are really funny... I enjoy! I subscribe to your Youtube video...

is very funny LOL jajaja, Venezuela here.

I hadn't heard "friolero" before ha ha ha I have learned something new!
We use "friolento" (for men) or "friolenta" (for women) in my country (Venezuela).
I laughed a lot, I really enjoyed your video, It gave me ideas to play with my students

Loved it! Very cute... I've started to spend alot of time in Latin America and this will be a fun game to do with my partner. Following now...

Wow nice job , you are doing well, i have no idea about Spanish language , now I have learned lot of words from you. Thanks to share.

Thanks for watching! We had so much fun learning new words this way. Definitely considering making a part 2 video :)

@tangerinetravels it is educative...hope you post more spanish word as well as its english translation so we could learn too.

Were you able to watch the video? We had both the Spanish word and the English translation on the screen as we attempted our ridiculous guesses!

Yes I saw the video its just that...the words fpr me is soo hard to remember...I have to watch the video over and over again...

Yeah, I totally get that. Learning new words is always difficult. In fact, we're also watching the video over and over to learn all of the words because they're completely new to us too!

Well actually right now I am imitating how you pronounce the spanish word..but I only end up laughing at myself..but for you it seems like its easy for you to pronounce it...I am having hardtime twisting my tongue!

We have been learning Spanish for a while which helps us with the pronunciation, even the pronunciation of words which are new to us. Buena suerte (good luck) with your learning! Your tongue will become less twisted as you practice more :)

How I wish...thanks to you myfriend...and by the way .I am looking forward for the part 2..Buena Suerte too.

haha ... looking for science while laughing is a very fun thing
besides happy also useful
steady master ..👌
I @fajryjuwaini96 like

Thanks for checking out our video! Having fun while learning is one of the best ways to do it. :)

I hope teach spanish soon. This is a nice way. Congrats!

We need to progress a little bit, okay a lotta bit more, before we can start teaching Spanish. Glad you enjoyed the video!

Always funny

Thank you! We try to make our videos entertaining so it's always nice to here that.

Thanks for watching!

My spanish is all not thatwell niether haha (:

We're still learning but having fun with it along the way. Hope you enjoyed the video, we're really happy with how it turned out!

it went well enjoy y'all enjoy the trip!

Spanish is also widely spoken almost every part of europe and US

Me Gusta! Yo necessito apprender mas Espanol tambien!

Gracias @greenbeans. Ojalá puedes aprender con nostotros!

Have you guys thought about using Dtube?

We feel like we're doing a lot to grow our brand on Steem already and we want multiple income sources. In fact, we want to be able to travel without needing any income from Steem and reinvest everything back into the platform. Given the way things are growing, we're hopeful that we'll be at that point within a few months.

When we grow our YouTube channel into something big, that will open up a ton of new possibilities to monetize our brand.

YouTube is the 2nd biggest search engine in the world behind Google and they offer A LOT of exposure. One of our primary goals in our new adventure is to bring as many people as possible to Steem. You can read more about that here and here.

Once we get huge on YouTube, we'll be putting in a lot of effort into bringing 1,000s of users to Steem. If we focus our efforts on Dtube and Dlive, that can't happen because those users are already using the Steem blockchain.

Well said! Mind if i copy your strategy?😭😂

Sure. I hear that imitation is the finest form of flattery (or some poppycock like that).

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Hi, I'm new here. I do not know how I go. You are so strong, please support me on this orad 🍀💕🤗

Genial, Salu2

excelente video, muy divertido

very good your article continues like this

Excellent article....

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