Nobody is giving votes for comments willy nilly. Thats for sure. Now i know people arent being nice just for the money at least. See...silver lining.
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Nobody is giving votes for comments willy nilly. Thats for sure. Now i know people arent being nice just for the money at least. See...silver lining.
i prefer a silver lining in my pockets, it makes my disposition a lot more sunny and i get to show a lot more appreciation ...
i thought of another one btw : "its the government pulling one of their oldest tricks in the book : making shit so bad people come begging on their knees for protection"
regulation, and then the power is all theirs again ...
it IS about the money here @sweetjoy ... anyone who denies that is someone i would have a hard time believing, but to have fun while doing it is better ofcourse, i met more than a few interesting people so far, but i met a lot of moneygrubbing filth too, trolls, downvoters, content nazis ... the lot .. enlightened dictators, you should see the demagogue some of these witnesses spout, they would make Trump blush the way they promise to strongarm the plebs in the name of the holy content ... it makes me sick really
just like "the real world", it's a perfect mirror, if Nakamoto were dead he'd be turning in his grave ...
at least the basic step of maslow is provided so

unless you're a bad hobbit you're not allowed to complain here :p
ey my vote was still dividable by two ... YAY LUCKY ... i dont think id be giving it away willy nilly either like i do with the 0.001 sbd botvotes, because those are truly random, id just make sure the fun and interesting stuff gets more while i try to give as many as i can a little something (after i can eat ofcourse ... i don't hide behind the mask of the marketeer)
money is not happines but it sure as hell makes life
A LOT easier
itadakimasu i shall now gorge myself until im too stuffed to think ... and wake up in the same rotten world tonight ... see you around :D
When i come to town..i will show ya how to have a meal. Kidding. I agree..but i control my reality and it's great.. I just decided. I still believe in God and miracles. I was thinking how low could it started at zero. Wonkwakwaa.. ;(
yea it can, there's absolutely no reason in the metaverse that says it cant ...
but when it comes to cooking @sweetjoy ... i doubt i'll be beaten, a simple steak au poivre with fries isnt really masterchef is it, its just
as i like to say and please don't take this the wrong way i'm not being sexist or trying to hit on you or anything
if it doesnt get me laid its not worth more than 15 minutes in the kitchen
omg .... :p
i dont believe in gods who care actually i define my beliefs as polytheist agnostic and most people go like
but in fact that means ...
that i don't know ... i'm not an atheist and i'm not a believer but anything is possible until proven otherwise so ... there's room for all gods in my pantheon
i just dont bow to them , as they dont do to me, lol :)
if god could help get steem price up id be praying but i doubt it really, its a support for some people and i respect that, but from where i stand any god that actually notices this place is a pretty cruel being ...