Hahaha! The good ole' days... memories. I don't know how old you are but I was a teen in the 80's and times were different than they are now. Now a days' you can't even fight at school with out being in a shit load o' trouble. I remember having to go get the paddle from the principal in middle school take it to the teacher and get paddled in front of the class. Then take it back to the principal and talk with him. No call to the parents, nothing. Hell, I remember leaving one party in High school and driving to another, not in the best condition I might add, and thinking that the crown vic next to me was my buddy Geoff. Well, it wasn't. It was, yes you guessed it, the friendly neighborhood officer. Racing this cop, I thought was my friend, I flicked my cigarette butt out the window hitting his windshield and sparks went everywhere. I was laughing at the shot while doing my arm like a bird flying out the window when I Immediately noticed blue lights were behind me. I found myself talking to this man and then another. Eventually, being polite as I could be, and explaining the situation they took me home with no arrest or ticket. The golden days when cops did protect and serve. Funny thing was when I went to get my car the next day I had pulled over onto the sidewalk completely off the road! I miss those days. Hell, Can you even spit on the side walk these days without getting into trouble? IDK............. I Digress........
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