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RE: One thing NOT to say to a police officer when he pulls over your buddy for speeding.

in #funny8 years ago (edited)

I'm not a fan of cops, or laws, or government... But I know not to be a dumbass jerk toward those who have power over me! Lol



The time to do that is in motions, especially if you are pro se and thus not accountable to the bar. No can troll incompetent judges as badly as I can, and the police don't like what I say about them either. Litigators privilege.

Ahh took me a while to figure out where you were going. It seems that you get to be on the other end of this. I bet you have fun with that!

Unfortunately I tend to hang out with a lot of dumbasses... but they say the same about me.


I need more dumbasses in my life.

I kinda like ED! :P

I do too. Just not $125 worth lol!

I don't want to lick any boots, but I'd rather not pay fines or get arrested.

No, and I hope not to. At least not over a little thing like speeding. Some things aren't worth planting my flag in the ground over. Call it "compulsory bootlicking" if you want, I'll call it "self-preservation"

I agree with most of what you're saying. But until more of the population wakes up to their racket, I'm not going to risk my relative freedom, safety or life over a speeding ticket.