Recreational Anger @ Emojis Month for Fun & Profit! Day 2

in #funny7 years ago (edited)

I hope this one gets your recreational anger level of 'upset' to register one brazilian (a really high number, where playful dance on a beach is a masquerade for martial arts to express your anger and desire for freedom from oppression).

Today's emoji is all about fighting:


That big red glove in the middle there?

Today, you and I are going to expose the fascism that exists within the world of emoji generation; let's show them who will NOT be ignored!!!

If you're a fan of the pugilistic sweet science of boxing, you already know some of the greats:

Pernell Whitaker, Marvelous Marvin Hagler, Tiger Flowers, and, of course, Manny Pacquiao.

They all have one thing in common...

Do you know what that is?

Take a guess.

Now see if you can tell the difference between these two photos, the first of the only boxing glove emoji,


And the other of a deer playing frogger against two fists:


Surely you're boiling over with recreational outrage right now!

You got it!

NO boxing gloves to represent left-handed boxers!!!

The closest glove demonstrating a left handed representation is a gross green one 🧤, like, what, left handed boxers have leprosy?!?

I'm calling out the World Boxing Association (WBA), the Association of Left Handers (, and ALL the incredible, gifted, and talented left handed fighters of the world to join hands in a rising of the southpaws against this grievously malicious moral outrage.

Ok, easy does it, take a breath people.

Let's get down to brass tacks and simple math.

Offering two bare knuckled fists in a blatantly unashamed dignification of equal utility for both hands, and then disparagingly offering just the right handed representation for boxing, is wrong.

Together, let's make it right.


Left, darn it, LEFT!

I gotta go spontaneously combust.

@scan0017 😘 😉


thanks fir shareing entartretment.. dearha ha really funny dear sir @scan0017

resteem Sir ✌✌

Thanks for the resteem @deybala! ✌️🤝

i alawys resteem & comment your post sir !! @scan0017 iam waiting your next post

Floyd Mayweather is the best fighter of this era!
what do you think @ scan0017?

Thanks for the resteem in Venezuela!
He absolutely is!
His KO's allegedly include several women though, including some mother(s) of his children...
He spent 2 months in jail in 2011.
Can't argue that he's the best fighter of this era though!
Undefeated in AND out of the ring!
BUT: 👩‍🎤👩‍🎤
Don't ever hit a lady.
Be a real man:
Break up with her and have amazing, loud, passionate sex with her best friend.


Wooooou brother that was brutal jajajjaja

LOL, this was also a KO!

You're right friend, as they say in my country Venezuela, the woman does not stick with the petal of a rose. regards

You are right friend @ scan0017, but I confess that I am not a lover of emoji since I consider myself a bit older. I promise to update myself hahaha... best regards!!!
up vote and resteem

Thanks for the resteem @rosnely! 🙂

it's a pleasure, honey from venezuela a hug!!!

JAJAJAJAJAJAJA 😂 😂 😂 believe me so long using emojis and I had not realized that detail that there is no left-handed boxing glove in the emoji!
I think I'll continue discovering that kind of detail with the following 23 post @ scan0017.
upvote and resteem!

Powerful Venezuela 🇻🇪!Thanks @jospig!

They do not take the lefties into account! hahaha, you make me laught.

Again, thanks for the resteem!
💪 🇻🇪 💪

I thought I saw a beer hahaha the emojis very funny they put imagination to fly. and good boxing is fine just because it's Manny Pacquiao and not Floyd Mayweather. saludos @scan0017 upvote & resteem

More upvotes and resteems from Venezuela!

And Floyd? ahaha ;P
Upvoted and Resteemed!

Venezuela's Amazing with the resteems!!!

You are so funny ;P

upvoted and resteemed!!!

ANOTHER upvote and resteem from...

and the winner is...


I like how manny pacquiao fights, it's very fast although it's old but it's still good!
what is your favorite boxer fighter @ scan0017?

Mike Tyson, 100%
That man was a monster in the late 80's...
Please help:
Sign up more friends so I can get some resteems and upvotes from my Venezuelan brothers and sisters...

its all the right wing conservatives behind this haha . if they keep it up there will be nothing "left"

Ooooohhhh SNAP!
I see what you did there...

100% vote and resteem
DQmaAFY3cYRvDZmJzXzZjPShphSdEyuxt8E8TCqj3HDgsRK.gifha ha really funny dear sir @scan0017 and amazing article. thanks for sharing @scan0017

I'd like to give kick using red coloring these boxing glove.
Up-Voted & Re-Steemed.Funny fighting Emoji's post @scan0017.

the emoji are great, with them we can express feelings and thoughts, I love them,

Thanks @scan0017

POWERFUL little Venezuelan sister!

Cheers Beer looks cool and nice feels.
Resteemed. and Upvoted@scan0017, What's your planing in this month? Try to posting Emojis. Crypto market crashed currently. We need to patience. In fact your Emoji's giving real cool.

hahaha This is so funny. Resteem and upvote @scan0017

Powerful @darksea!

Wow amazing article and it is great. thanks for sharing

100% like and resteem @scan0017

Awesome! Thank you!

It's true brother, you're right, and the lefties? I think it's not fair "LEFT GLOVES" JAJAJA XD ... Tienes talento broth upvote and resteem

upvote & resteem.. sir @scan0017

Ohhhhhh, boxing, how good it is to get all our anger and fury, jajajajajajaj @scan0017

upvote and resteem

Laughs, anger,

Gloves for lefties? nolo had thought, incredible proposal @ scan0017

upvote and resteem


thanks @ scan0017 from venezuela a hug !!!!!!

Floyd Mayweather is my favorite fighter, I would bet everything in a fight.

Reestem and Up vote yeah


Greatly funny included.
Thanks for sharing.
upvote/ resteemAbsolutely brilliant post @scan0017.

İ love emojis💟resteem and upvote sirDQmaUNt1gVETZXCNQTMAeQvE48GAa7KHa9cQa3jjgzPnpAq.gif

Thanks for sharing and wonderful post.
((((Resteem Service)))))@scan0017

Jajajajajsjahaja 😄😄 good post

Nice post beautiful presented and explained. detail oriented with nice funny. thank you for sharing

Very good post sir

Have a great day Thanks @scan0017

Very funny

Lol so funny 😂

Its funny but boxing glove in upper two photo have only right hand boxing glove while in third photo have both left and right hand
Awesome emojio
Keep it up thanks for sharing
I wish you all the best
I wish you will visit to my blog and check it
GOD bless you

Lol emoji,
I love this

Amazing post.
Much obliged for sharing it

damn how can i missed the first time

LOL :D cOol emojii

Amazing emojis sir ... you present really funny way sir... thanks for sharing sir... :)

Boycot them.. Just get rid of the damn gloves.. Do BELLATOR! 😍 😏

I'd do any of your friends!Aw, heck @bettyboob!

verry funny sir..
thanks for sharing your lovely post sir..
i like your every post sir..@scan0017

Great Post :)

White people sports seem to be overly represented in that picture. Apparently, emojis are racist too.

Hahaha ! Good one Sir ! :)

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment