
If I like it I will give away my age. I should reply with a mc.Hammer clip instead.

Can't touch this tu tu ru ru , tu ru, tu ru...

Perhaps this is giving away my advanced age, but c'mon, one may not intimate this riff was genesis'd by MC Hammer, without some sort of pedantry from us seniors. ;)

@asabovesobelow I couldn't reply to your comment to me on the other post because it was 6 deep. But it struck me as very dark. So here's my reply!

I abhor snakes bearing excuses for Luciferianism/Satanism.
I think they are EVIL.

STAY FAR AWAY. I have zero tolerance for Luciferian or Satanist apologists.
Millions of us have had enough of scum harming kids - we don't give a DAMN whether you choose to label them luciferian or satanic.

It's all the same to us.

End of conversation. No need to reply. I prefer you don't.

You can reply in this way @gizmosia, and indicate that you're doing it because the reply is already 6 deep. Or you can start a brand new reply under the original post and tag that user and again indicate what you're doing. It's a more appropriate arena to continue your discussion under the relevant post.

Why are you making this comment on my page ?

Thank you @saramiller. I didn't know - new user. It's very frustrating when it happens.

I'm certainly not offering excuses, nor am I defending anyone, or anything. All is self.
Anyone with a soul abhors the allegations made in pizzagate.@gizmosia did you actually read what I wrote, or are you just blocked by cognitive dissonance, or something else? I'm not sure what you're really referring to.. snakes? huh?

Yeah @asabovesobelow - I think Vanilla Ice was fairly adamant he came up with this himself, but that's obviously just stealing Freddy Mercury's thunder. Respect where respect is due!

I couldn't reply to the other poster on their comment to me on another page because it was 6 deep (steemit error message when trying to post). So I looked for a page they'd recently commented on, to give them my reply. Either that or stay silent.

I couldn't reply to your question on the post because there is no reply link - you can see that under your post - no reply.