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RE: One thing NOT to say to a police officer when he pulls over your buddy for speeding.

in #funny8 years ago

I have had similar close run ins with the law when i was younger. In my hometown all the kids play there own version of Man hunt or tag or hide and seek tag or whatever you would prefer it to be called. Well we had to step the game up so we made the entire town part of the game making the park in the middle of town the goal, This game quickly drew the attention of the town and the police leaving it a "banned" game and having those caught taken to jail. one night as all of us were rounding up in our cars after a late night we drove to pickup the last group of friends. unknowingly we park right next to an undercover cop sitting right in the park. So the problem with this was that everyone was told to hop in the black car when we came around, I am sure you can guess what happens. 3 of our crew found us no problem leaving 1 person to hop into the car that belonged to the undercover cop. At first it started out as a laugh but quickly turned into a barrage of questions from the officer. Instead of just keeping calm everyone was trying to come up with a good excuse as to why we were out at 2 am in the middle of city park. Well that didn't go as planned as my friend in the car decided to just fess up as to what we were doing instead of just keeping cool landing us all in jail for the evening and a couple of warnings for breaking curfew. needless to say if you plan on breaking the law in any way shape or form, have a plan with your friends so everyone isn't stumbling over each others words.


This is a great story. Sounds like harmless fun. I bet that friend who jumped in the wrong car has told that story quite a few times!

Most certainly it has been told quite a few times and though it was surely harmless fun it created a lot of issues jumping the fences of unsuspecting residents.:P