Udin: It's been a while since we met you, I miss you the same time
Juhro: Yes My friend also really miss you, Eh by the way Dah long we do not meet if there is a change you, same hoby you, now your hobbies what is your friend Hobby What Are You Smoking?
Udin: not smoking is not good for health
Juhro: Drinking what was drunk sober?
Udin: it is not spending money alone
Juhro: Do you still like to cheat on your old hobbies once cheated first
Udin: Nor are we though friends loyal
Juhro: If you're still gambling, it's really bad you used to be
Udin: I am so lazy that I can go bankrupt because of gambling
Juhro: And now Hoby You're great now you might become Alim It's salute Same with you, keep your hobby you still live?
Udin: Lying buddy, I love lie let alone ask me to lie on
Juhro: ## $$$ %%% ^^^ &&& %% $$ ### I've been bombarded, really you, your best friend, you're a lie