Coincidence is not real

in #funny8 years ago
  1. This frog seems to be having such a fun time inside that package. The toy inside makes look more scandalous that is should and it also gives new meaning to the world self-service. that is one happy frog.


  1. Hmmm. that can't be the same Nutribullet! it can't be, right?


  1. That robber looks kind of familiar? But where have we ever seen him before?

  2. 20 buck says this guy isn't in the hospital for a regular check up.

  3. The Super Mario Brothers are all grown up now and runinng their own business! They still like to be close to one another, judging from this picture.

  4. This internet star filming herself live is really close to her fans.

  5. So close yet so far. This seems like a higher power telling you that are the most unfortunate person alive. Ouch.

  6. Winning at twininng

  7. Do you recall The Miz growing a mustache? He looks more like a true heel with that.

  8. The best promotion/advertisement ever.

Source: google
upvote and follow me @rally88


Nice to meet you, @rally88! This post is sooo funny lol, hope you will have a great time here and ive send u a small tip and wish you a amazing day :D

@batman01 nice to meet you too, thanks, regards to alfred lol