This is where the tires of creativity and innovation hit the homesteading road!
Part of our goal with living a homesteading lifestyle is to get the biggest return on our investment with the least possible time, effort, and money invested. It's not that we are lazy, but rather than all our time and resources are limited, and the more that we are able to get out of what we've got, the better.
When we recently got our new Finn/Shetland sheep, were knew that they were "dual-purpose" since people use them both for meat and for their wool. However, we were not satisfied with only having "2" uses for our sheep. Soon, we were hard at work brainstorming.
First, we realized that had some new "lawn mowers" that would "work for grass." Whatever part of the property we allow them access to can now be groomed by these domesticated lawn maintenance professionals. What makes it even better is that they fertilize as they go!
An interesting part of being here in the worldwide community that steemit provides is that you literally have a "world" of advice and suggestions that you are exposed to. When we first got the sheep, one interesting suggestion for a use for them was milk. While cow's milk and goat's milk are pretty common around here, I had never really thought about milking sheep. We will have to look into this more.
One afternoon, after a very hard day of working around the homestead, I had a stroke of genius. Simply put, I was extremely tired and needed a nap. However, I had no pillow and lacked the effort to make it all the way to my bed. Then, I remembered my big, fluffy sheep!
Could this be the next purpose that I was looking for? If I could successfully use one of them as a pillow, then I would add another purpose to the list for our sheep. Carefully, I hopped in their pen. The excitement of the situation almost made it too hard for me to even try taking a nap, but exhaustion got the best of me, and I was successful!
here's the proof:As always, I'm @papa-pepper and
Until next time…
Don’t waste your time online, invest it with

Cool sheep you have.
You are becoming one with the sheep.
True to the sheep.
Keep on steemit.
Treat the animals well and with respect, they allow us to live and prosper. Native Americans understood this.
Absolutely, I agree.
i also agree with you @robertchr
Most city folk count imaginary sheep in order to get to sleep.
They have no idea how much better it is just to pull up a nice fluffy sheep and fall asleep on a cloud of wool.
Lol, good point. Then you only need one!
pop your velcro pants on so they cant get away!!
Sheep's milks great cheese! BTW what kind of example are you setting for the little peppers, sleeping on the job? Next thing you know all the little peppers will be demanding equal time on the sheep pillow and then you'll just have to breed more! lol
proof-of-pillow-purpose is a major contribution to the farming community as a whole. You now rank up among the inventor of the threshing machine, the developers of irrigation, and the Dolly people. I'm sure the farming journals will be beating a path to @papa-pepper's door for interviews.
Trust me, I'm a doctor.
Love your posts!
lol I truly think you have gone crazy just recently xD First the exploding milk, now this! Next thing I can imagine to see you bringing a wooly mammoth onto your farm so you have a quilt to match your pillow! lol So funny :D
Lol.. Exploding milk? I must have missed that one
Steem on! 🐬🐬🐬
LOL, very funny. Thank you!
Lol! Awesome funny and creative too. Definitely a fluffy pillow. Thanks for posting Sir, @papa-pepper
Steem on! 🐬🐬🐬
I thought it would be a funny one that some people might enjoy. Thank you!
hahaha cool comrades, why tame once is a friend, what else in tie wan.
I am sorry to have to write something here that has nothing to do with its publication, but I am helping a foundation and I would like you to look to see if you want to support. Help is not for me, you can still verify. sorry
I will take a look.
Love all your posts! Thanks!
Beautiful pictures
God bless you dear friends
Does your homestead have municipal garbage collection or is that left for you to take care of?
I'm curious how you take care of that in your neck of the woods.
The garbage and recycling can be taken to a center in the tower a half hour away, which is added incentive not to waste a lot.
I have a hard time finding this funny. I see your child hugging it and you being friendly with it and my mind immediately jump to you killing it or its children. That's heart-breaking to me.
I would rather have an animal enjoy a long Wonderful Life and have one bad day, than have any meat I'm going to eat raised in the common Modern Way that most of it is.
Sure, killing a friend and a pet indeed causes less harm and suffering than killing a tortured slave. Still, to me both are heart-breaking and it's not like we have to choose one or the other. You can choose to have neither.
I'm sorry, it's just that the images of closeness and affection with an animal that doesn't know that it has already been sentenced to death by a person the animal probably has affection for as well just really hit me hard.
I understand. do you feel the same way when someone "puts down" their dog? Just wondering, not trying to argue.
Yes, that's an awful thought, especially putting myself in the shoes of somebody struggling with such decision if it is for some reason warranted. Heart-breaking is a very good way to describe that, too. And that's when something like that might be classified as warranted euthanasia though the line is absolutely blurry.
But I find the people that are putting down their dogs for insufficient reasons appalling. I found it unbelievable when I first learned that there are people who put down their dogs because they are going on a family vacation in the summer and they don't have who to leave the dog with and feel dog hotels are too expensive. The same goes for people that choose to put down their dogs not because they are dying from something really painful and incurable, but simply because it's cheaper than the proposed treatment that has a reasonable chance of being successful.
Wow, for a vacation? Ouch. Heartbreaking indeed!
Yep. There was an educational campaign from a group of vets who where sounding the alarm that this is happening way too often (though even once is way too often already). There were pictures of "sleeping" dogs that were otherwise perfectly healthy. Hard-hitting stuff. That's how I learned about it. The numbers were appallingly high, probably still are. :(
I hope there are no wolves around, they might get into the sheep"s clothing and entice you to use them as pillow. lol
nice post
I don’t have sheep for a pillow, but my 100lb yellow lab works pretty good 😉 that sheep just might be a little more comfortable. Keep on keeping on @pappa-pepper
Papa.. ur so coooll.. well nice pillow
Animals in the western countries are very friendly. Only a dog will wait for me to put my head on her
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You know, there is a long history of ranchers who sleep with sheep...
Looks very comfy perfect for those winter afternoons in the field!
Enjoy reading your post keep it up my friend you have my upvoted
Good post, I am a photographer, it passes for my blog and sees my content, I hope that it should be of your taste, you have my vote :D greetings
proof of pillow : wow :-D
I just did a quick look. Seems that the Shetland (in particular) give plenty of milk. Seems like it's time to find an ice cream maker!
Lol!!! That's hilarious
Yes stackable purposes are always welcomed especially when off the grid.
Here is the nerd side of me coming out. I happen to like to watch videos about the history of the world. In a couple of the videos I have watched sheep were also milked. So I researched it and found out sheeps milk is really healthier than cows milk. It can be drank,made into cheese,butter,ice cream ,yogurt and soap. And they can be milked up to 8 months.
You have got to be an australian, or a New Zealander YES??? Surely I can sniff out a fellow ANZer ? I have such an awesome photo for you if you are... but ill be putting it in for the colorchallenge comp for green. I hope you see it... Im almost convinced your Australian.... but i got to put nz in too...... ! Nice to meet you... so to speak. I'll follow you to find out! Im @ steemsausage if you want to see my sheep pic!! lol