Either I'm going to eat him...

...or he's gonna eat me :-)

Survival of the fittest!

Stay fit Steemians!

ouzo and out,
There is a plan!
(It's unfolding NOW)
Please spread the word about BEOS

eat it... eat it.. eat it but with beer??? i think it is better with ouzo!!
I think it should be with kombucha.
Yo! Yep! I finally went to the gym yesterday! It was a big step for me to get over the phobia about doing exercises! I did manage to walk and run for thirty minutes!
That felt good! So this morning I did some weight lifting! Oh! How the muscles screamed! I’ll take it slow and gradually so that I wouldn’t have the excuse to stop because of torn muscles or pain!
Thanks again for saying “there is only today!”
Have a nice weekend my dear mentor!
It can be as simple as taking the stairs when everyone else is taking an elevator or escalator.
Yap! I also try to walk briskly everyday for half an hour.
Sounds like you're doing it right!
Thank you very much. 😊🍾🎉🐳🍸
That looks delicious!
It reminds me of one of the first family introductions between my now-husband and my family. My little auntie was making fish head soup. He thought "fish head" was just the name - that we weren't being literal. Being a former cook, he couldn't help but look to see what was in the pot -- and there were the fish heads. I wish I had a camera to snap the look on his face! 🤣 Needless to say, he doesn't eat food that looks back at him.
If your food doesn't look back at you on the outside, it surely will on the inside anyway:-)
Eyes wide open, start to finsh :-)
Eat him!
He looks good :p
What if he fights back? I'm not quite in shape yet :-)
Stuff his face with that lettuce there :)
Why didn't I think of that? My martial arts training gone to waste :-)
You tried curry fish head? :-)

Source: https://steemit.com/photography/@ace108/4-hours-journey-for-this-curry-by-ace108
Yes siree :-)
I've been to stores in Beijing where the head was more expensive than the rest of the fish. And I saw restaurants there with picture menus. One of the pictures was of a whole plate of baby rabbit heads. (I passed on that one)
Whoa.. never will I expect that in Beijing and I would pass on the rabbit heads too. :_)
Looks exactly like my launch from yesterday! With a little lemon and butter on top hmmmmm
I prefer my lunch to smile, rather than growl, at me :-)
Like it is saying to you, 'Eat me! Eat me!' Take the challenge. Savor the moment. Enjoy the victory. Cheers!
His destiny is to be eaten today! That’s already written on his fate! But I think this one originally came from outer space! So you should have extra cosmic energy to go to the gym more often!
Your exercising equipment really put me to shame. I did get up very early to go to the gym but after breakfast, the bloggers’ comments needed replies. Within a flash, two hours were gone and it’s time for lunch!
Tomorrow!! I promised myself tomorrow is a new day for me! You are ahead of me but I’ll soon catch up with your gym routine!
Thanks for reminding me!
There is only today, ever :-)
(Do it now)
He looks like Piranha. Why you selected Piranha's BBQ?
I like to live dangerously :-)
Yikes! That thing is scary even when it's cooked. What kind of fish is it?
Sorry, I don't know. I didn't ask it :-)
Wow that's quite the fish and you're right, those are quite the teeth. How did it taste?
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The teeth were a little hard to chew :-)
I think he'll eat you from his burned teeth. 😁😁😁
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Revenge of the seafood!
Oh shit he got better teeth than mine lol :D@onceuponatime,
I think he had to take care of his teeth - because he couldn't afford a dentist :-)
Did you eat them all? :D You might get better teeth then!@onceuponatime,
NO! I'm going to use them for money when the dollar crashes!
Just eat him!
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But he's so cute!! :-)
Steem on go on ; )
You get paid to make coments like that? Unbelievable. Where do I sign up? :-)
You surely going to eat him