MemeLogic - Things That Trigger

in #funny6 years ago

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Are You Offended?

It's that time of the year again, where some very bored folks decide to find things to be upset about.

You have probably already by now heard about the song "Baby It's Cold Outside" being removed from the radio due to some folks interpenetrating it's meaning as offensive. This is because of the back and forth in the lyrics between a women who wants to drive home in bad weather and the man saying no, say with him and be romantic. Obviously this is considered rape today by the intersectional social justice warriors, who fight the good fight finding irrelevant things to be outraged about, and then to get those things banned, just like this song. This is nothing new, it's seem this debate keeps arising each year, and finally this year people are starting to push back against this virtue signalling. A radio station in Kentucky went as far as playing the song on repeat just to piss of those demanding that it be banned.

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"I know of no safe depository of the ultimate powers of the society but the people themselves; and if we think them not enlightened enough to exercise their control with a wholesome discretion, the remedy is not to take it from them but to inform their discretion." - Thomas Jefferson

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What really just baffles me is how this small percentage of people want to dictate to everyone else what is allowed and not allowed, and then call for the state to enforce what they deem to be morally correct. Then at the same time advocate democracy to all, yet they refuse to submit to it themselves, a bit hypocritical don't you think? I'm personally not a huge fan of mob rule, and I certainly don't apply it willy nilly when it's suits me, as these folks are doing. This is also a good example of the infringement of individual choice, as well as a mild form of fascism, by using the force of the state to subvert the will of the majority. The banning of songs, words and ideas, are the actions of only the worse kind of governments throughout history, do we really want to go down that road again?

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"Those who cry out that the government should 'do something' never even ask for data on what has actually happened when the government did something, compared to what actually happened when the government did nothing." - Thomas Sowell

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You're either laughing or you're learning.

Join me tomorrow for more lessons on these really easy to understand concepts.

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Thanks for popping in, hope you liked the post. Please leave me your thoughts and or opinions in the comments below, have a beautiful day.

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Here's something offensive:

It took a LOT of makeup to make Avril Lavigne look attractive at all.